EVENT: Invasion of Horseshoe Bay

Horseshoe Bay Invasion Event
Evil has spilled forth from Aegis Keep Dungeon and has launched a full scale invasion of nearby Horseshoe Bay!

Players will be able to participate in an Invasion Event from Saturday, January 13th at 11AM ET until January 20th 11AM


Horseshoe Bay

  • Horseshoe Bay has now become an Unguarded Region (i.e. players can now be attacked by other players and monsters here!)
  • Players logging into the Horseshoe Bay Region will be teleported to Prevalia (or Corpse Creek if Murderer)
  • Existing Vendors and NPCs have left the city
  • Players will be unable to Recall / Gate / Hike into the City
  • Creatures from Aegis Keep Dungeon will now spawn throughout the city

Increasing EventScore

  • Players increase their [EventScore for the event by killing the creatures currently invading the town of Horseshoe Bay
  • [EventScore amounts earned are based on the (Raw Gold Value of Creature * Player Damage % Dealt to Creature) for any creature killed

Loot Drops

  • While the event is ongoing, players will potentially encounter carnage-themed Loot Drops in most game systems (Monsters, Chests, Ship Content, etc) while at any location in the world (not just Horseshoe Bay)
  • There is an improved chance of these Loot Drops occuring inside of Aegis Keep Dungeon
  • There is a greatly improved chance of these Loot Drops occuring when killing creatures inside of Horseshoe Bay

[EventScore and Rank %

  • Each player has an [EventScore based on how well they do during the event
  • Players can type [EventScore to see their current EventScore for this event (scores are updated hourly)
  • At the end of the event, each player will have an Event Score Rank % determined for them based on how their [EventScore compares to all other players
  • Example: a player who ranked 100th in [EventScore out of 1000 total players will have a Rank % of 90% (since they did better than 90% of all other players)

What Are The Prizes?

  • Prizes for this event are distributed directly to player Bank Boxes at the end of the event
  • Players will receive ALL prizes shown below that their Rank % matches or exceeds


  • Outlands Collectable Card [All Players]
  • Battle Debris Helm (Random Type) [5-25% Rank]
  • Battle Debris Armor (Random Type) [25-50% Rank]
  • Battle Debris Shield (Random Type) [50-75% Rank]
  • Crushed Warrior (Random Type) [75-95% Rank]
  • Slumped Warrior (Animated) [95-100% Rank]