EVENT: King’s Faire 2023 Fashion Show – Thursday, August 24th at 9PM ET

Hear ye, hear ye, good people of the realm! Gather ’round, both lofty and lowly, for I, your humble court jester, have tidings to share that shall tickle your fancy and ruffle your ruffs!


Announcement of the Marvelous King’s Faire Fashion Show

With a twirl and a flourish, I declare the imminent arrival of a spectacle that shall dazzle the eyes and set hearts aflutter – the wondrous King’s Faire Fashion Show, a parade of magnificence fit for kings and queens, peasants and jesters alike!


Mark your calendars for the eve of the 24th day of August, when the sun doth grace the sky with its golden glow, for this be the day when the Fairegrounds shall transform into a tapestry of vibrant colors and sumptuous fabrics. Lords and ladies, rogues and rogues (for I count myself amongst the merry lot) shall come together to showcase their finest garments and most whimsical ensembles.


There will be 3 categories and only 1 winner per category! The categories are:

Noble Elegance:

  • This category showcases attire fit for the nobility and aristocracy of Avadon. Expect to see luxurious velvet gowns, elaborate brocade doublets, intricately embroidered cloaks, and opulent jewelry. The designs would be inspired by the sumptuous fashion of queens, kings, lords, and ladies, adorned with intricate lace, intricate beadwork, and regal accessories.

Peasant Charm:

  • The Peasant Charm category celebrates the rustic and simple fashion of the common folk. You’ll witness a display of earthy colors, natural fabrics like linen and wool, and practical yet stylish garments. Think rough-hewn tunics, bodices, aprons, and breeches, often adorned with hand-stitched embellishments and functional accessories like leather belts and woven baskets.

Fantasy Faire:

  • This whimsical category allows designers to showcase their creative interpretations of Kings Faire-inspired fantasy and folklore. Expect to see enchanting gowns reminiscent of fairies and forest spirits, majestic wizard robes, swashbuckling pirate ensembles, and even imaginative interpretations of mythical creatures’ attire. This category is all about embracing the magical and fantastical elements of the King’s Faire!

Winners of each category will receive a jester hat and sash, named to commemorate the occasion, in the most radiant comet hue – a prize to be quite valued for years to come.

So, dear townsfolk, ready your senses for a feast of fashion, a symphony of style, and a panorama of panache! Don your finest doublets, frocks, and farthingales, and make your way to the grand stand, where dreams shall weave together with threads to create a day of unparalleled merriment. Let joy resound, and let fashion reign supreme!

Yours in folly and finery,

Mirthful Monty, the Jester Extraordinaire
Fashion Show Participant Rules:

  • Please arrive before 9PM ET to the Fairegrounds stage
  • Once you enter the backstage area you may not leave, so have your costumes ready!
  • Each player may enter 1 fashion show entry, so pick your best category!
  • When you step foot on the runway, please state the category you’re entering:
    • Noble Elegance
    • Peasant Charm
    • Fantasy Faire
  • After you “compete”, you will exit stage left as shown in the diagram below
  • If you are AFK when placed on the runway, you will be disqualified!
  • Winners will be announced upon completion of the event
  • Good luck, have fun!

Entrants will be teleported backstage before the show and asked to stay in an orderly line and try not to take up too much time but are encouraged to strut their stuff!
