EVENT: Ossuary 4 Campaign – The Spilling Sands (Sunday, Feb. 9th)

Read the full report on the official forum post and below for an excerpt:


As blood continues to spill in the sand across the vast Cambrian Desert, and the origins still yet unknown, both Cambrian and Prevalian scouts have confirmed the same thing: the danger is far from over – and in fact, it has barely just begun.


A great host of creatures have been spotted emerging from the sand, and until now have seemed satisfied to wander the desert in search of victims. But some unknowable force seems to be directing them now, organizing them. They’ve begun a slow push outwards, no longer contented within the confines of the desert! After a great deal of surveying these creatures, the most likely avenues of their migratory attacks appear to be at the Prevalian Gate north of the desert, Break Pass to the east of the gate, the Cambrian Gate at the south-east of the desert, and a mountain pass just north of that.



The Black Dawn Condottiere, hired by the Kingdom of Cambria, has already established outposts at the Cambria Gate and mountain pass.



A Prevalian battalion under the command of General Ryes has swept the rebels from the Prevalian Gate and has set up a defensive line overlooking the bridge. It is of note that this is the first time in decades that Prevalia has stationed troops here since the rebels have turned their backs on Prevalia and took the location for themselves.





Further, the town of Haven has established guard posts at the mouth of Break Pass (a location that is no stranger to massive and historical battles) under the supervision of Field Marshal Hargrove, should the enemies attempt to break through there.



It is unclear if the Ossuarian hordes will attempt to break out of the desert further south, nor is it clear if they will attempt to emerge from the eastern side of the desert mountains near the small town of Shelter Haven. As of this moment, scouting and intelligence does not identify these two areas as a current danger.


These hordes are most likely to come into contact with the defending forces in mere days. All citizens of Avadon should be greatly cautioned! If you are unable to wield a sword in defense of your homeland, stay away from these potentially dangerous areas! Should these strategic locations fall, untold dangers will spill out of the desert and into our fair Avadonian countryside!