EVENT: The King’s Faire House / Inn Decoration Contest

Get into the King’s Faire spirit with this summer’s House Decoration Contest! Design the most Pagan looking house to win special prizes! If you would like to enter, check the forum post as well as read the information below:



  • Submissions due by Sunday August 22nd.
  • Winners will be announced by Thursday August 26th.
  • Players may only submit one (1) house design and one (1) inn room design!
  • Judging will be done by the Royal Architect of Prevalia and the Curator of the Royal Cambrian Museum
  • Any complaints of the outcome of the contest will have to be adressed personally to the King of Prevalia who, after the illness of his beloved queen, is of exceedingly short temper and surely has better things to worry about, and shall most likely result in a public flogging!



Entering the Contest:

  • Post your character name
  • Screenshot(s) of the house / inn room
  • Coordinates of the house!
  • No altered screenshots (from other shards, old houses, etc)
    • The Royal Architect of Prevalia WILL BE visiting the houses (make sure you clean!)
    • The Curator of the Royal Cambrian Museum WILL BE visiting the inn rooms!



  • Portrait of the King and Queen of Prevalia for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position to the winning Houses!
  • Portrait of the King and Queen of Cambria for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position to the winning Inn Rooms!
  • As is tradition, a toy small house model shall be given to the overall winner of the contest (can be House or Inn room)
  • A small token of gratitude (a pagan ritual dagger) for every entry into the contest! 
  • The Royal Architect of Prevalia and the Curator of the Royal Cambrian Museum reserve the right to exclude entries that are deemed too terrible or too low effort to even be considered, and may even go as far as sending the Kings’ Guards to arrest the scoundrel who dares to shame the contest by submitting such an entry!
  • The King of Prevalia reserves the right to distribute portraits in his likeness as a gift to his beloved subjects in the unlikely event that a desire for such a generous act should manifest itself sometime in the future (the portraits may be used for other things in the future, however unlikely).