PATCH: April 11 – Easter Seed Hunting, Magic Item Recycler Updates, Ship Exchange…

Easter Seeds

  • For the next few days, players will now have a chance to find Easter Seeds as loot (from monsters or from harvesting)
  • Players can plant Easter Seeds like normal plant seeds, and if grown properly, will result in one of 15 different Rare Powder hued Easterbells plants

Notoriety and Flagging

  • Fixed several issues where notoriety (hue flagging) between a player and their followers were not being shared correctly, and could result in some odd behaviors when other players attacked someone’s pets first
  • Removed the “Follower Aggression” code mechanic we added several weeks ago, and overhauled the Follower notoriety code to fix several outlier notoriety scenarios that were causing players to flag as grey or go criminal unintentionally
  • Fixed an issue where a player who Snooped and “popped” someone else’s Trapped Pouch would go grey (correctly) to them, but would show up as a blue corpse to the victim
  • Players who detonate a trapped container in another player’s backpack (and die) will now flag grey and their corpse will flag grey to the container’s owner (i.e. handled similarly to opening a trapped pouch now)

Abandoned and Released Pets

  • Fixed the Creature Abandonment code so pets that are left alone and Unstabled should go wild after 24 hours (currently pets were only going wild if manually Released by the owner)
  • As before, creatures that are Abandoned will have a “*released* displayed over their head and will be deleted in 1 hour if not retamed by a player

Magic Item Recycler


  • The Magic Item Recycler has been fixed and will be re-enabled
  • Added Slayer property filters for Magic Spellbooks and Instruments
  • Removed the Quality property filter from Magic Spellbooks
  • Fixed a number of issues with Filter Selections
  • While in “Match: All” mode, players can no longer “Select All” and players can only have 1 property selected per column (because its impossible for a weapon to be both Power AND Vanquishing)
  • Added Slayer Wands category with Filter Modes based on Wand Effect (spell) and Slayer Level
  • Added recycle sounds for Slayer Wands and Magic Spellbooks


Storage Shelves

  • Adventurer’s Ropes can now only be added to Storage Shelves if at full charges

Pet Autostabling

  • Fixed an issue where players Logging Out or Disconnecting would result in their pets immediately vanishing, but the player would not disappear for 5 minutes (pets now disappear only when the player does)

Pet Abilities and Traits

  • Fixed the text descriptions in the Animal Lore abilities page for Pet Abilities and Traits to reflect the recent change to reduced “Self-Healing” pet ability effectiveness by 50%


  • Players who use Tracking while at sea can now see Green-flagged players (Party Members / Guildmates / Allies) in the search results for players

Ship Exchange

  • Players can now turn in Ship Deeds into the Prevalia Exchange Officer to receive half of the Crafting Materials used, and all Mastercrafting Diagrams used, for the deed

Barding Breaks

  • Lyric Aspect Weapon/Spellbook triggers should now only extend Barding Breaks against bosses (and not normal creatures)
  • Captive Creatures at the Prevalia Zoo should no longer suffer Barding Breaks


  • Fixed a number of spelling errors for Air Aspect Weapon Oil in the Alchemy crafting table
  • Fixed the format of notification messages for players being notified they have another character currently inside of a dungeon when attempting to enter one