PATCH: April 7 – Dungeon Slayers, PvP Updates, Barding Difficulty and more!

Spells PvP Supplement Skills Cap

  • Players can now only receive a maximum bonus of 10% PvP Spell damage from all Supplemental PvP Skills combined on their character (from Inscription, Tracking, Camping, Forensic Eval)


  • Players now have a (Inscription Skill / 100) * 25% to receive “2 Reflect Charges” from the Magic Reflect Spell while in PvP (previous chance was 50%)

PvP Flamestrike

  • Whenever a player is hit by a Flamestrike spell in PvP from another player, it starts a 1 second duration “Flamestrike Window”
  • If another player targets that same player with a Flamestrike spell while a “Flamestrike Window” is still in place on the target, the Flamestrike Window’s duration resets, and a cumulative 10% Fizzle chance is applied to their spell and any future Flamestrikes in that window on the same target
  • If 1 second passes where a player is not targeted by a Flamestrike spell, the Flamestrike Window against them expires and the cumulative fizzle chance for flamestrikes on them resets back to 0%
  • A player who fizzles a Flamestrike spell due to this mechanic will receive a “Your flamestrike fizzles amidst the chaos of battle” system message


Player 1 casts Flamestrike on target: Flamestrike is resolved as normal and a Flamestrike Window starts
0.1 seconds later Player 2 casts Flamestrike on same target: Flamestrike Window resets and player has a 10% chance that their Flamestrike fizzles
0.2 seconds later Player 3 casts Flamestrike on same target: Flamestrike Window resets and player has 20% chance that their Flamestrike fizzles
And so on…

Pets / Followers

  • The effectiveness of self-healing pet abilities or traits (such as Blood Healing or Feed) has been reduced by 50%
  • All tamed creatures will now take (Enemy Creature Difficulty Value / 10%) more damage from non-player controlled creatures, to a maximum of +25% damage

For example:

A player’s tamed creature fighting a monster that is Difficulty 50 will take (50 / 10%) = +5% more damage than normal
A player’s tamed creature fighting a monster that is Difficulty 150 will take (150 / 10%) = +15% more damage than normal
A player’s tamed creature fighting a monster that is Difficulty 250 will take (250 / 10%) = +25% more damage than normal

Ship PvP

  • Whenever a character (or their followers) deals damage in PvP on a ship, it starts a 2 minute timer, which is refreshed each time they do further PvP actions on a ship
  • While that timer is in place, all other characters and followers connected to their Account or IP Address (excluding Account Group Exemptions) will only deal a maximum of 1 damage in PvP on ships (2 minutes must pass with all characters on the account or IP Address not engaging in ship PvP for this timer to expire)

Note: This Ship PvP mechanic will very likely be replaced by another mechanic that is part of our upcoming Ship Overhaul patch, but we feel it is still important to put this in place for the time being to atttempt curb the overwhelming number of players trying to unbalance ship pvp with “bot” characters on ships for pvp

Gate Travel

  • Players will no longer be able to cast Gate Travel while on a ship or to a location currently occupied by a ship

Tracking Skill

  • Players will no longer be to track players or creatures who are currently on ships (this is what Spyglasses are for)


  • Players may only use Spyglasses to search for Ships or Fishing spots while onboard a ship


  • Provoked creatures now deal +50% damage to other Provoked creatures
  • Provocation “Tether” distance for a player is now their (Effective Provocation Skill / 2) tiles (previously was 18)
  • If the bard moves further away from a Provoked creature than their Tether distance, that creature will only deal 1 damage to other Provoked creatures

Barding Difficulty

  • Barding Difficulty Scalar has been changed to 1.0 (previously was 1.75)
  • Barding Minimum Success chance has been increased to 25% (previously was 20%)

Adjusted formulas for barding based on these changes are now the following:

Minimum Success Chance = ((Effective Barding Skill / 100) * 25%)
Barding Success Chance = (Effective Barding Skill / 100%) – (CreatureDifficultyValue * 1.0%)

Players will use their Minimum Success Chance if that chance value is higher than their calculated Barding Success Chance against a creature

Some Examples:

Player with 100 Effective Barding Skill
Pacifying a Difficulty 50 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((100 / 100) * 25%) = 25%
Barding Success Chance = (100 / 100%) – (50 * 1.0%) = 50% (best chance)

Pacifying a Difficulty 100 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((100 / 100) * 25%) = 25% (best chance)
Barding Success Chance = (100 / 100%) – (100 * 1.0%) = 0%

Pacifying a Difficulty 150 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((100 / 100) * 25%) = 25% (best chance)
Barding Success Chance = (100 / 100%) – (150 * 1.0%) = 0%

Player with 150 Effective Barding Skill
Pacifying a Difficulty 50 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((150 / 100) * 25%) = 37.5%
Barding Success Chance = (150 / 100%) – (50 * 1.0%) = 100% (best chance)

Pacifying a Difficulty 100 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((150 / 100) * 25%) = 37.5%
Barding Success Chance = (150 / 100%) – (100 * 1.0%) = 50% (best chance)

Pacifying a Difficulty 150 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((150 / 100) * 25%) = 37.5% (best chance)
Barding Success Chance = (150 / 100%) – (150 * 1.0%) = 0%

High End Bards Example
A player with 120 Peacemaking or Provocation who wears a Tier 13 Lyric Aspect Armor Suit, uses a Greater Slayer Instrument (matching the target’s Slayer Group), and is wearing a Mastery Chain containing 10 Gold Effective Barding Skill Links will have 120 + (6 + (2 * 13)) + 30 + (10 x 4.5) = 227 Effective Barding Skill

225 Effective Barding Skill Pacifying a Difficulty 100 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((225/ 100) * 25%) = 56.25%
Barding Success Chance = (225 / 100%) – (100 * 1.0%) = 125% (best chance)

225 Effective Barding Skill Pacifying a Difficulty 150 Creature
Minimum Success Chance = ((225/ 100) * 25%) = 56.25%
Barding Success Chance = (225 / 100%) – (150 * 1.0%) = 75% (best chance)

Barding Duration

  • Provocation and Peacemaking Baseline Durations are now 30 seconds (previously were 60) but are no longer reduced based on target creature difficulty
  • Discordance has a x2 Duration scalar compared to Provocation and Peacemaking

Adjusted barding effect durations are as follows:

Provocation Duration = ((Effective Barding Skill / 100) * 30 sec)
Peacemaking Duration = ((Effective Barding Skill / 100) * 30 sec)
Discordance Duration = ((Effective Barding Skill / 100) * 60 sec)

Mastery Chain Barding Duration Links still can improve barding durations above the Base Max Durations listed

Barding Breaks

  • While a non-Boss creature is Provoked or Pacified, for every 1 second that passes there is a ((CreatureDifficulty / 100) * 1%) chance they will suffer a “Barding Break” effect that will last for (CreatureDifficulty / 10) seconds

When a creature suffers a Barding Break:

  • A *Barding Break* message will appear over their head and a sound effect will play
  • Their Provocation and Peacemaking effects (but not Discordance) will immediately end
  • They will have Provocation and Peacemaking immunity while the Barding Break is in place
  • The creature will suffer -50% Attack Speed, -50% Casting Speed, and +50% delays between Abilities while the Barding Break is in place (i.e. the same effects concept referred to previously as a Boss Barding Effect)

For example:

A 15.3 difficulty value Lich will have a ((15.3 / 100) * 1%) = 0.153% chance every second to have a Barding Break lasting (15.3 / 10) = 1.53 seconds
A 85.9 difficulty value Phoenix will have a ((85.9 / 100) * 1%) = 0.859% chance every second to have a Barding Break lasting (85.9 / 10) = 8.59 seconds
A 270.8 difficulty value Spectral Terror will have a ((270.8 / 100) * 1%) = 2.708% chance every second to have a Barding Break (270.8 / 10) = 27.08 seconds

Boss Barding

  • A player who successfully Provokes or Pacifies a Boss-Level creature will automatically place a “Barding Break” effect on the boss with a normal barding-effect duration for it (this is essentially the same concept as Boss Barding effects as before this overhaul)
  • Bosses still have the same Barding Cooldowns as before
  • Non-Boss Creatures that are above 150 Difficulty will no longer automatically receive a Barding Break/Boss Barding effect when initially Provoked/Pacified, and will now be treated like normal creatures)


  • Adjusted the spawn scalars for Strangers, Animals, Crates to be somewhat larger on the lower end of population scaling (previous change resulted in too few of these entities with small number of participants in Strangelands)
  • Fixed an issue where “Lost” Trophies for Strangelands were showing up as 0 pts for all players (these points were accidentally being added to “Stolen” trophy pts)
  • Fixed an issue where players who completed Achievements at the end of a Strangelands event wouldnt see the Popup Menu for them
  • Fixed an issue where players could potentially fizzle spells they should be able to cast while in Strangelands

Shrine Corruptions

  • Fixed an issue where the Valor shrine had some of its creatures spawn during a Shrine Corruption at the Spirituality Shrine

Prevalia Market

  • Shimmer Equinox items are no longer for sale on the Prevalia Market

Dungeon Slayers

  • When a Slayer Item (Weapon / Magic Spellbook / Instrument / Wand) is generated as loot, there is now a 1% chance that instead of a being a Creature Slayer Type, it will instead become a randomized Dungeon Slayer type, affecting ALL creatures within that dungeon
  • Dungeon Slayer Weapons, Spellbooks, and Instruments will have the hue color of their respective dungeon by default, however they will still adopt the hue of an Aspect if converted into an aspect item (and will revert back to their Dungeon Hue when losing their aspect)
  • Damage/Barding Bonuses for Lesser, Regular, and Greater Dungeon slayers are the same as normal slayers, with +15% / +30% / +45% damage or (+10/+20/+30 Effective Barding) respectively

Houses Ejecting / Banning

  • Players who are Owners, Co-Owners, and Friends of a house cannot be added to the Ban list
  • Players who are currently Owners, Co-Owners, or Friends of a house list who are also currently on the banned list, have been removed from the Ban lists

Houses for Sale

  • Whenever a player places their house for sale, it will by default change the House Sign to a special “For Sale” version letting other players know visually that the house is on the market
  • Players can elect to change the sign back to a normal house sign if they wish from the Ownership page -> Change House Sign button
  • Players who remove a house from the market (or resolve a Trade/Sale for the house) will have the house sign revert to the normal, blank golden house type
  • Players will not be able to have the “For Sale” sign up for a house that is not for sale

Dire Wolves

  • Dire Wolf spawns will now be tethered to 30 tiles from their spawn location in Corpse Creek Wolf Hill (cannot be dragged to houses)

Stable Slots

  • A player’s Stable Slots for the Stablemaster will now be determined based on the highest Animal Lore skill for the player among their current skill or any of their Echoes

Boss Rares

  • Fixed an issue where some Boss Rares were not displaying their name correctly (was showing ItemID numbers instead)

Society Jobs

  • Removed all Crafting Manual items from potential Society Jobs

Storage Shelves

  • Adventurer’s Rope, Cannon Shot, and Delectable Food Items have been added to the Storage Shelf
  • The Instruments category in Storage Shelves now is Instruments + Food