PATCH: April 7 – Plant Guides, New Commands, Bug Fixes…

Barding Codex

  • In order to gain the benefits of a Barding Codex players must now have 80 or higher Musicianship, as well as have 80 or higher in either DiscordancePeacemaking, or Provocation (at least one of the three skills)


  • Murderers can now be resurrected in Grey Zone locations considered to be Dungeons (including Omni Realms and Contested Boss areas)
  • The IDOC (In Danger of Collapse) Dishonor exemption for Murderers will now begin the moment an IDOC is announced and will last for 3 hours within 100 tiles of the house location

Focus Aggression

  • Players can now use the [FocusAggression command to activate the Herding skill’s Focus Aggression mechanic (players can still also double-click a Shepherd’s Crook or use the shift-click context menu option on the target creature)
  • [FocusAggression is listed as a command in the Paperdoll -> Help -> Commands and Settings page under the Mechanics category


  • Players now can use the [FocusAggressionAllKill command to toggle whether using Focused Aggression will also automatically fire off an “All Kill” command towards the target
  • This setting will default to Enabled for players




  • Players will no longer generate footsteps on their last 5 Stealth Steps remaining (mechanic has been removed for players)
  • Fixed an issue where players with Auto-Stealth enabled would activate the skill on movement even if they had Stealth Steps remaining
  • Fixed an issue where the Shadow Aspect “Heal on Movement” mechanic was only triggering if a player had Auto-Stealth enabled


  • Players who have a Rental Vendor contract active inside a house will be treated as a Friend of the house for the purpose of receiving 100 Effecive Hiding skill when making Hiding attempts in that house (allowing them to restock vendors while hidden)

Thieves Codex

  • Fixed an issue where the Ruffian upgrade was not correctly providing Tactics for the player on any additional Backstabs after an initial Mugging attempt


  • Removed a duplicate sign graphic entry in the “Change House Sign” page

Auto-Stash Mounts

  • Players can now pay to unlock an “Auto-Stash Mounts” feature for their house
  • Players must be a Co-Owner or Owner of the house to unlock or change this setting, which can be found in the Creatures Page of the House Menu
  • If players convert the house back to a Deed, the resulting deed will have this feature unlocked as well


  • If Auto-Stash Mounts is Enabled, any player entering the house will have their Mount stashed away, and will have it return when they leave the house

Aspect Experience

  • Players will now be able to earn experience for all Aspects when Pilfering or Mugging from creatures (previously was only Fortune Aspect)
  • Players will now be able to earn experience for all Aspects when lockpicking Paragon ChestsDungeon Chests and Treasure Map Chests (previously was only Fortune Aspect)

Chain Lightning

  • The max PvP damage per player of Chain Lightning is now 30 (previously was 35)

Clothing Alteration Kit

  • Clothing Alteration Kits will now show a preview of the resulting item’s new hue in the menu

Corrupted Mastery Chain Links

  • Gold stolen from Pilfering and Mugging (stealing) will now count towards Corrupted Mastery Chain Link usage
  • Fixed an issue where Gold earned from Dungeon Chests and Treasure Map Chests were not counting towards Corrupted Mastery Chain Link usage


  • Players who are not in the Fighting Party of a ship can no longer activate Barding Songs while on board and any existing Barding Songs from that player will no longer apply to members of the Fighting Party of the ship
  • Doubloons occuring as loot on Ocean Creatures / Ocean Bosses will now stack in increments of 1000 gold (to a max stack of 5000), similar to the current handling for Gold loot drops
  • Players now have the option in ships to treat Alliance members as Co-Owners / Friends of the ship

Server Rank

  • The [ServerRank system will now allow players to view “Previous Season Rankings”
  • The Previous Season Rankings will begin populating at the end of this current season (will be blank until then)

House NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where the “Rotate” shift-click Context Menu option for House NPCs (such as Dockmasters, Stablemasters, etc) would sometimes not work correctly

Guild Prestige Unlocks

  • Players can now purchase Thief Deeds from the Guild Prestige Unlocks system to place a Thief NPC in their house



Crafting Queues

  • Fixed an issue where players targeting a Resource Stockpile as the target container for a Crafting Queue would cause a client crash (players will now simply get a message that this is not allowed)


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the drop rate for Corruption Antiquities to be lower than intended
  • Players can now receive Corruption Antiquities as loot on Omni Boss Minions as well as Rift Minions that spawn during the “Post-Omni” public event

Fishing Maps

  • Increased the amount of resources harvested per success by 50% on Fishing Maps (should reduce the time it takes to complete a Fishing Map)
  • Somewhat increased the chance of receiving Resources compared to Regular Fish / Aquarium Fish

Plant Guides

  • Players can now craft Plant Guides using the Inscription skill (5 are created per crafting action)


  • Plant Guides are used to identify an “Unknown Plant” that is growing in a Plant Bowl
  • To identify a plant, players must click the “Add or Use Item” button and then target a Plant Guide in their backpack
  • In order to successfully identify the plant, the player must first Estimate the Ideal HeatIdeal Water, and Ideal Soil of the plant within 25 of its correct values for each of those stats
  • If the player has not yet met those estimation requirements, the identification attempt will fail and consume the Plant Guide


  • If the player succeeds the identification attempt, the plant’s name will be displayed in the Plant Bowl for all players to view for the remainder of its growth period, and the Plant Guide will be consumed


  • Plant Guides are now storable within Garden Shelves

Tokens of Heroism

  • Players will now earn Tokens of Heroism for killing the Ocean Mini-Boss or Ocean Boss (these are not needed to summon an Omni-Boss, but can be used for the “Increase Loot” feature of Omni-Bosses through the Tome of Heroism menu)


  • The “View Past Event Scores” page for the Strangelands Menu will now always show “Rank” and “Player Name” on the left side of each page when viewing additional stats pages for players
  • Reorganized the ordering of stat categories for the Strangelands Menu


  • The “Pull Followers” ability will no longer work in the Arena or Bomberman Matches


  • Fixed an issue where the Achievement titles for Pilferer and Epic Pilferer were incorrectly displaying as “Mugger” and “Epic Mugger”