PATCH: Feb. 26 – MotD, New Direwolf Mount, Prevalian Merchant Update and more!

Message of the Day


  • We’ve implemented a Message of the Day system to notify players upon login of any critical issues currently on the server (such as new Content Patches, Mandatory Updates, etc)
  • Players can click the Read button to view a popup summary of the issue or click the Dismiss button to skip the message (Urgent Announcements cannot be dismissed, however)
  • On the message view window, player will see a text summary of the issue
  • Clicking the Discord Link button will typically launch the player’s web brower and navigate to the #Announcements channel where more information about the issue is available
  • Some messages, such as ones related Patches, will have a Forum Post button which when clicked will navigate the player to our Forums Page where information about the issue is available
  • Once a player has either read or dismissed a message, that message will no longer appear for them or any other characters on their account during login


Direwolf Mount


  • A new Direwolf mount has been created for players to ride
  • Direwolves are unique in that they cannot be leveled, cannot be bonded, and are a non-combat mount (similar to Pack Animals, except ridable)
  • Direwolves require 120 Taming to tame, but can be ridden by any player
  • Direwolves spawn at low frequency in the Wolf Hill Cave area of Corpse Creek, underneath the War Bell
  • Direwolves spawn in a very large randomized range of hues


Direwolf Mount Token


  • Players can now earn Direwolf Mount Tokens from a number of different reward systems (for a substantially large amount of reward points)
  • Direwolf Mounts generated from Mount Tokens will always be Hue 0 (players must tame wild Direwolves to have colored ones)

Prevalia Market Update


  • New furniture has been added to the Prevalia Market under the Furniture Category
  • All of the new furniture items added are dyeable with Furniture Dyes and denoted as such with (Dyeable) in their display name





  • A number of furniture Add-On deeds are now available in the Furniture Category as well
  • To dye one of these items with Furniture Dyes, players must target the deed for the item in their backpack with the Furniture Dye (i.e they cannot be dyed while placed down inside a house)
  • These items will maintain their hue even if placed and then chopped up with an axe and returned to a deed

Gilded Granite Table (addon)

Gilded Marble Table (addon)

Gilded Glass Table Small (addon)

Gilded Glass Table Large (addon)

Gilded Blue Bed Small (addon)

Gilded Blue Bed Large (addon)

Stealth Backstab

  • The Damage multiplier for Stealth Backstabs has been increased to +550% to +1100% (based on weapon speed) [previously was +450% to +900%]
  • After a player makes a standard (non-Shadow Aspect) Backstab attack, their chance of inflicting an Aspect Weapon Effect is increased by +50% of normal for the next 30 seconds (this bonus will also be shown in [Stats while it is active)


  • Fixed several issues where players attacking tamed creatures belonging to a player potentially wouldn’t flag them as attackable by the creature’s owner

Storage Shelves

  • Fixed an issue where a player using Telekinesis on a Storage Shelf would open it as a standard container (which is not intended)
  • The Clear Loadout button now requires two-clicks to confirm clearing of a player’s loadout

Mastery Chains

  • Mastery Chains have had their artfiles updated to fix an issue where they would sometimes not show up in a player’s paperdoll


  • Crafting Menus now use Vorspire’s FastGump handling to remove screen flicker

Ossuary Hieroglyphs

  • Fixed an issue where 4 of the 38 possible Ossuary Hieroglyphs were displaying incorrect graphics

Dead Tamed Creatures

  • Dead Tamed Creatures will no longer do special animations, effects, or sounds while moving (such as Bloodworms)

Passive Taming Skill

  • Players will no longer be able to gain or use Passive Taming skill if they have an Echo (not active) that has a higher Animal Taming skill than their current skill amount


  • Fixed an issue that was incorrectly calculating Effective Poisoning Skill for the purpose of Charges Used when poisoning a creature with a weapon

Aspect Kits

  • Fixed an issue where Aspect Kits were still showing up in Society Jobs (we had removed the Blacksmithing one but forget the Inscription/Tailoring/etc ones)

Giant Sandroaches

  • Fixed an issue where player-Tamed Giant Sandroaches in Ossaury level 3.5 were being killed or deleted when their corresponding Colossal Sandroach was killed
  • Giant Sandroaches should no longer have blue corpses

Murder Resurrection Gump


  • Updated the Murder Resurrection gump to more accurately reflect the current handling for Repenting

Frenzy Ability

  • Fixed an issue for Tamed Creatures where the Frenzy ability wouldn’t always trigger correctly, especially for creatures with multiple abilities

Artisan Aspect XP

  • Arrows, Bolts, and Shafts no longer grant Artisan Aspect XP and will not generate an overhead text as such

Ship Paints

  • Fixed an issue where some event and holiday-specific Ship Paints were dropping as normal loot (such as Strangelands Ship Paint)


  • Fixed an issue where a player who logged out on a ship that was later sunk would be stranded on the ocean when they logged back in (will now teleport the player to Prevalia or Corpse Creek upon login)

Ship Crewmembers

  • Harmful barding effects (such as AoE Peacemaking) should no longer affect Ship Crewmembers on player ships


  • Fixed a typo for Smouldering Lich corpses


  • Creatures that are provoked and use AoE abilities will only be able to hit other creatures they are currently provoked against (which can be more than one)

Creature Corpses

  • Players can no longer drop items onto the corpses of Mini-Bosses, Bosses, Shrine Bosses, Omni-Bosses, and event Bosses (was being used to make things difficult for non-script / non-grid loot players)

Arena Tournaments

  • Any player or team that receives a Bye in a round should no receive another bye later on in the tournament (unless all remaining teams have all received a bye at some point)

Creature Looting Rights

  • Alliances will no longer factored in Looting Rights for creatures
  • Boss-level creatures (except Shrine Bosses) will now have Blue corpses if a player doesnt not have rights to loot them (corpse will appear as Red if player has rights)

Players have looting rights to creatures if any the following occurs:

Against Normal Creatures

  • Player is the top damaging player towards the creature
  • A player is in the same Guild as the top damaging player
  • A player is in the same Party as the top damaging player

Against Boss Creatures

  • Player is the top damaging player towards the creature
  • A player is in the same Guild as the top damaging player
  • A player is in the same Party as the top damaging player
  • A player’s total damage percent dealt (i.e. their damage dealt divided by damage dealt by all players) meets the “PlayerDamagePercent Threshold” of the boss type
  • A player is in the same Guild or same Party of a player whose damage percent dealt meets the looting “PlayerDamagePercent Threshold” of the boss type
  • A player is in a Guild whose total combined damage perecent dealt from all players in the guild to the creature meets the “GuildDamagePercent Threshold” of the boss type

PlayerDamagePercent Thresholds
Lore Boss10%
Mini-Boss: 10%
Boss: 5%
OmniBoss: 2%
EventBoss: 2%

GuildDamagePercent Thresholds
Lore Boss: 30%
Mini-Boss: 30%
Boss: 15%
Omni Boss: 6%
Event Boss: 6%

Aspect Distillation Kit


  • Players with 120 Alchemy can now craft Aspect Distillation Kits that allow players to convert Aspect Extracts to a Distillation of the same Aspect (without the need for crafting)
  • Aspect Distillation Kits require 1 Master Crafting Diagram and 5 bottles to craft
  • Aspect Distillation Kits have 5 charges and each conversion takes 1 charge

Wax Book Seal Stamp


  • Players with 120 Inscription can now craft Wax Book Seal Stamps that allow players to “Seal” a book so that only they may edit them from that point on (and can never be unsealed)
  • Wax Book Seal Stamps require 1 Master Crafting Diagram, 25 Beeswax, and 5 Iron Ingots to craft
  • Wax Book Seal Stamps have 25 charges and each book sealed takes 1 charge

Test Center Player Editor Statue

  • All possible Rare Cloth types are now available for testing from the Gold Player Editor statue on Test Center
  • Added a button on the Gold Player Editor statue to allow players to create Ham Feasts for testing