PATCH: Jan. 2 – Jousting, Boss Buff, Fishing Update and more!

Jousting Lances and Jousting Shields

  • Players can now craft Jousting Lances with the Carpentry skill and Jousting Shields with the Blacksmithing Skill​




  • Jousting Lances and Jousting Shields are Blessed items​
  • Jousting Lances and Jousting Shields are NOT considered Weapons or Shields (i.e players cannot attack with them, they will not add armor, and not allow parrying)​
  • A player equipped with a Jousting Lance will be treated as having 0 Weapon skill for the purpose of combat​
  • Jousting in Outlands is meant to be a thematic, roleplaying gameplay mechanic that has no effect on actual combat (either PvP or PvM)​


Jousting Actions
A player can make a Jousting Action against another player if all of the following conditions are met:

  • Both players are Mounted
  • Both players have a Jousting Lance equipped
  • Both players have not made another Jousting Action within the last 3 seconds
  • Either player takes a movement step that results in the two players being within 2 tiles of each other
  • Note: Players do NOT have to be flagged in combat with the other player to do Jousting Actions (Jousting is meant to be thematic, and non-aggressive)


  • If a Jousting Action occurs, each player will make a “Jousting Swing” attempt at the other player
  • Jousting Swings do not factor in a player’s Skills or Stats, and the results of them are entirely randomized
  • Jousting Swings will not cause actual damage to the player, but instead will have thematic results instead


  • Players can additionally equip themselves with Jousting Shields, which will affect the potential results of Jousting Swings made against them
  • Players can have their Jousting Shield’s “Break” which will simply place them into their backpack (these items do not actually break, as they are Blessed)
  • Players can see what happens to their character as Overhead text during Jousting Actions (the text above themselves depicts what their opponent’s strike result on them was)

The potential results of Jousting Strikes are as follows:

Wild Miss
10% Chance of Occuring

Displays as “*wildly missed*

Near Miss
30% Chance of Occuring

Displays as “*missed*

Glancing Hit
30% Chance of Occuring

If player has a Jousting Shield equipped, has a 66% chance of displaying as “*glances off shield*” (also displays a silver half-circle animation)

Otherwise will display as “glancing hit: X” where X is a randomized body location (also displays a red half-circle animation)

Clean Hit
20% Chance of Occuring

If player has a Jousting Shield equipped, has a 50% chance of “Breaking” the player’s Shield, which places the Shield in the players backpack (also displays a silver full-circle animation)

Otherwise will display as “*hit cleanly: X” where X is a randomized body location (also displays a red full-circle animation)

Direct Hit
10% Chance of Occuring

If player has a Jousting Shield equipped, it will automatically “Break” the shield, which places the Shield in the player’s backpack

Otherwise will “*dismount* the player, which removes them from their Mount and puts their Jousting Lance in the player’s backpack (if a player is using a Mount Token, it will unsummon it)

Players should consider one person becoming Dismounted as the “victory” condition of the Jousting system


Jousting Honor

  • The Jousting system is meant to be a fun, thematic gameplay mechanic between players, and as such, there are no “enforced” rules or scoring system between players for it
  • When a player’s Jousting Shield “Breaks” it is simply placed into their backpack, and while they can technically immediately re-equip it, ideally players should use the honor system to refrain from doing so until the Joust “concludes” by one playing becoming Dismounted


  • Fixed several issues related to Follower Notoriety, including issues where a player’s pet was not correctly adopting the notoriety of the player (other players in most cases should now see someone’s pets have the same notoriety hue as their owner)


  • Fixed an issue where Poison applied to a target from a player or creature would expire if that player or creature died (will now stay in place similarly to prior to the Poison Kit Upgrade Patch)
  • Poison Resistance on creatures is now checked on a Per Poison Tick Basis, so abilities/effects that trigger multiple Poison Ticks to be resolved at once (such as Poison Strike / the Poison Aspect Weapon or Spell Proc) will now make multiple Poison Resistance checks against each tick being resolved, rather than a single Poison Resistance check that would nullify the entire stack of Poison Ticks


  • Players should once again be able to refresh existing Barding Song effects while already having an existing effect in place (i.e. reset the duration)
  • The Bard Codex Vocal Range upgrade should now properly increase targetting distance of all Barding Skills

Aspect Gear

  • The Lyric Aspect Weapon/Spell Special Effect “Cacophony” will now also cancel existing Barding Breaks in place among monsters hit
  • The Fire Aspect Weapon/Spell Special Effect “Fire Nova” has had its description text corrected (was incorrectly displaying as 900 Base Damage + 900 Damage Per Tier)


  • Wandering Healer NPCs will now sell limited amounts of Bandages, Mandrake Root, Garlic, Ginseng, Spider’s Silk, and Lesser Cure/Heal Potions
  • Thief NPCs will now sell Nightshade




Boss Minions

  • Minions spawned by Boss-type creatures that have not been in combat with any player or creature in the last 60 seconds (with the exception of Pacified creatures) will teleport to a random location near their parent Boss

Starting Hit Points
Starting Hit Points for Boss-Level creatures are now as follows:

Ocean Mini-Boss: 30,000 (previously was 20,000)
Ocean Boss: 60,000 (previously was 40,000)
Lore Boss: 75,000 (previously was 40,000)
Mini-Boss: 100,000 (previously was 40,000)
Boss: 200,000 (previously was 80,000)

Additional Hit Points Per Player
Hit Point Increases Per Player for Bosses (the *Increases in Size* mechanic) are now as follows:

Ocean Mini-Boss: 10,000 (same as before)
Ocean Boss: 20,000 (same as before)
Lore Boss: 25,000 (previously was 20,000)
Mini-Boss: 25,000 (previously was 20,000)
Boss: 50,000 (previously was 40,000)

Damage Increase Per Player
All Boss-Type Creatures now increase their Damage Bonus Per Player (the *Increases in Size* mechanic) by 1.25% per player (previously was 1.0% per player)

Shelter Island

  • Murderers will now be prevented from Recalling, Gating, or Hiking to Shelter Island

Storage Shelves/Lockers

  • We have removed the “Downgrade Materials if Neccessary” mechanic from Storage Shelves/Lockers, as it was causing a number of issues for players using the Resupply mechanic and not getting the requested amount (sometimes too many and sometimes too few)

Resource Stockpiles

  • Resource Stockpiles now have an “Aspect” category that holds Aspect Cores, Aspect Extracts, and Aspect Distillation (since there are a large number of crafting recipes that utilize Aspect items)


  • Fixed an issue where the Elm Cupboard and Sink was not acting as a Water Source for refilling Water Containers for the plant system


  • Trapped Pouches while in the Arena will only display their visual effects if the player using them are currently in a Duel (spectators were spamming Trapped Pouches to fill the screen with effects and distract/lag Duel participants)


  • Fishing Nets craftable from the Tailoring system will no longer display the “Material Selector” in the bottom left corner of the crafting menu (because each individual Fishing Net type, such as Valehide Fishing Net, already has their own standalone crafting entry per material type)

Mastery Chain

  • Fixed a display issue in the Mastery Chain Menu for players who had restyled their chains to be Tooth Necklace versions
  • Players can now type [MC (in addition to the existing [MasteryChain command) in order to launch their Mastery Chain Menu

Ranged Pets

  • Fixed an outlier issue where Ranged pets (Flame Purgers, Corpse Purgers, Giant Swamp Slugs, Colossal Swamp Slugs, Summoned Skeletal Marksman) would very, very infrequently also do a “Melee Attack” at range 12 in addition to their standard Ranged Ability attack

Summoned Followers

  • If a player is more than 100 tiles away from a Summoned Follower for more than 30 seconds, it will become unsummoned

Wig Stand

  • Fixed an issue where Backpack Hues displayed in Wig Stands would visually not display the correct Hue in some cases

Wizardry Grimiore

  • The Bless Upgrade should now have the correct Spell Icon graphic

Fishing Maps

  • Fishing Maps will now mirror Ore/Lumber/Skinning Maps in terms of having an assigned material type (such as Dull, Shadow, Copper, Bronze, etc), which will be named similarly to those maps except with the word “scale” attached instead of “wood/hide/etc” (such as Dullscale Fishing Map, Shadowscale Fishing Map, Copperscale Fishing Map, etc)
  • Existing Fishing Maps (including those in Fishing Map Tomes) will automatically be converted to an applicable material type based on their previous Difficulty level


  • Players making fishing attempts from Fishing Maps now have a 20% chance on harvest to loot 5-10 of a randomized resource (Ore/Logs/Leather) that matches the Fishing Map’s material type (i.e. Shadowscale Fishing Map would result in randomized selection between Shadow Iron Ore, Shadowwood Logs, and Shadowhide Leather)
  • Rare Loot Drops that occur for a Fishing Map (such as Backpack Dyes, Hair Dyes, etc) will now match their hue to the material of the Fishing Map being used (i.e. a player might find a Shadow Backpack Dye from a Shadowscale Fishing Map)
  • Increased the speed of animations for harvesting from Fishing Maps and reduced the wait time for harvest completion to 3 seconds (previously was 6 seconds)

Fishing Frenzies

  • Increased the speed of animations for harvesting from Fishing Frenzies and reduced the wait time for harvest completion to 3 seconds (previously was 6 seconds)

Fishing Spots

  • Reduced the wait time for harvest completion to 3 seconds (previously was 4.5 seconds)

MIBs / SOSes

  • Reduced the wait time for harvest completion to 3 seconds (previously was 5 seconds)

Special Fishing Nets

  • Reduced the wait time for harvest completion to 6 seconds (previously was 10 seconds)


  • Owners and Co-Owners of houses should now be able to access/remove Barkeeps from houses

Telekinesis Spell

  • The Telekinesis Spell will now no longer work on containers/corpses (but will still have its Explosion Potion “Sticking” mechanics for players/creatures)


  • The Sargasso ability will now reduce Ship Movement Speed by 50% of normal (previously was 80% reduction)
  • Players can now install and remove Ship Upgrades and Ship Crewmembers from the “Inspect” feature of Dockmasters that lets them view their Ship Menu

Prevalia Market

  • The Dragon Prow decorative item can now be dyed with Furniture Dye