PATCH: January 18

Please click the title above to review the patch notes.





Arena Templates


  • Players are now able to create Arena Templates which allow them to manually set their stats and skills for Arena Matches
  • Players can manage their Arena Templates by clicking the “Arena Templates” button at the top of the Arena Stone Gump
  • Players must click the “Activate” button for a template if they wish to use that specific template for Arena Matches (clicking the button again will deactive the template)
  • If a player takes part in an Arena Match that allows usage of templates, as soon as the match begins their stats and skills will be set to match their currently Activated template
  • When a player dies, leaves a match, or their match ends their original stats and skills will be restored for the player

Arena Match Settings

  • Fixed the order of rules that appear for match settings in the Match Gump to put common settings on the first page
  • Fixed a text display overrlap issue for spells / item restrictions in the Match Gump
  • Players now have the setting option for Skill Cap for arena matches to utilize Arena Templates

Skill Cap setting options are as follows:

720 Skills
720 Skills (No Templates)
700 Skills
500 Skills

Arena Rules Presets

  • Removed existing Arena Match Presets (such as Balanced Duel, Dexer Duel, Tamer Duel, etc) and replaced them with Order and Chaos presets which represent the rulesets for weekly Order and Chaos Tournaments


  • Double-clicking a pouch that is not trapped should no longer be treated towards a player’s cap of Trapped Pouch usages during an Arena Match

Skill Usage

  • Players may no longer use Area-Effect skills such as Barding Songs, Taste ID Poultice, Spirit Speaking while in the Arena

Arena Tournaments
Players will now earn Arena Reward Points for weekly tournaments as follows:

1vs1 Tournament: 5 Reward Points per Round Victory (+10 Points for Tournament Victory)
2vs2 Tournament: 10 Reward Points per Round Victory (+20 Points for Tournament Victory)
3vs3 Tournament: 15 Reward Points per Round Victory (+30 Points for Tournament Victory)

Guilds will also now earn 1 Guild Prestige for every 5 Reward Points earned by their highest-placing guildmember in a Tournament


Progressive Poison Curing

  • Each consecutive failed attempt at curing poison now increases chance of the next attempt by 100% (previously was 50%) of the base cure chance (before factoring in adjustments for Poison Skill, Taste ID, or Other Player Effects)

Example of curing Deadly Poison created by a player with GM Poisoning Skill and GM Taste ID:

Base attempt to cure Deadly Poison via Greater Cure Potion or GM Magery is 50% chance
If they fail their cure attempt, their next attempt will receive a flat 50% bonus
Poisons created with GM Poisoning and GM Taste ID have their cure chance reduced by a scalar of 50% (i.e. 50% base cure chance becomes 25% cure chance)

Player’s 1st Cure Attempt = 25% Cure Chance
Player’s 2nd Cure Attempt = 75% Cure Chance
Player’s 3rd Cure Attempt = 125% Cure Chance

Example of curing Lethal Poison created by a player with 120 Poisoning Skill and 120 Taste ID:

Base attempt to cure Lethal Poison via Greater Cure Potion or GM Magery is 25% chance
If they fail their cure attempt, their next attempt will receive a flat 25% bonus
Poisons created with 120 Poisoning and 120 Taste ID have their cure chance reduced by a scalar of 60% (i.e. 25% base cure chance becomes 10% cure chance)

Player’s 1st Cure Attempt = 10% Cure Chance
Player’s 2nd Cure Attempt = 35% Cure Chance
Player’s 3rd Cure Attempt = 60% Cure Chance
Player’s 4th Cure Attempt = 85% Cure Chance
Player’s 5th Cure Attempt = 110% Cure Chance

Storage Shelves

  • Fixed a large number of issues with Tools not displaying correctly in Storage Shelves
  • Tools (including colored material version) should now be correctly added to Storage Shelves
  • Existing tools that players have previously added to Storage Shelves (that were not displaying) should now be displaying
  • Fixed the display location of Skinning Knives in the storage shelf

Item Durability / Mastercrafting / Crafter Name Display

  • Fixed several craftable tools/items that were not being treated as Exceptional quality on craft
  • Fixed a large number of issues with crafted items not correctly showing the Crafter / Mastercrafter on single-click
  • Fixed a large number of issues with items not receiving boosts to Item Uses or Durability for being Mastercrafted
  • Existing items should now correctly receive their maximum durability (a number of Aspect versions of these items have also been bumped accordingly, such as Axes and Leather Armor)


  • Fixed an issue where the damage bonus from spells cast off scrolls by players with Inscription wasn’t calculating correctly

Commands and Settings

  • Added toggles for enabling/disabling system message and sound annoucements for Faction Struggles, Faction Flashpoints, and Shrine Corruptions (under Paperdoll -> Help -> Settings -> Text Displays)

Faction Struggles

  • Fixed an issue with scheduling of Faction Struggle times

Faction Flashpoints

  • Fixed an issue where players not entering Faction Flashpoint areas were being flagged as participants

Shrine Corruptions

  • Fixed an issue with scheduling of daily Shrine Corruptions


  • Players who have IP Cycling enabled for their account should now be able to Repent as a murderer (and not be restricted by other IPs currently in Account Aggression Restrictions)

Aspect Gear

  • Aspect Weapon/Spell Special Attacks now will only target visible creatures (in LOS and non-hidden)
  • When players trigger the Shadow Aspect Weapon/Spell Special and placed into Stealth, they are “frozen” in place for 1 second (to prevent players accidentally breaking stealth)

Shield Taunt

  • The Shield Taunt mechanic (double-clicking an equipped shield) now requires a minimum of 80 Parrying skill to attempt


  • Fixed an issue where boss melee attack ranges werent being calculated properly


  • Added mechanic where players refreshing harvesting Captcha without attempting completition will eventually count as failures

Ship Crewmembers


  • Fixed an issue where Ship Crewmember deeds weren’t spawning with correct stats and skill amounts
  • Existing Ship Crewmembers should have their Stats and Skills (but not ship bonuses) updated to reflect their proper Rank
  • Players can now double-click and view the stats/skills/abilities of Ship Crewmember Deeds while on vendors


  • NPC Shipwrights will no longer purchase Cannon Shot from players

Ship Deeds

  • Ship Deeds are no longer recyclable

Plant Bowls

  • Fixed an issue where Brain Fungi was not flagging as a Fungal Effect (and not being removed by Fungicide)

Training Skills

  • Fixed an issue where players requesting “Stealth” training from NPCs was resulting in receiving Stealing skill gain