PATCH: January 23 – More Poker, Looting and Many Bug Fixes!


  • Maximum Buy-Ins for Poker have been restored to 10,000,000 gold
  • Players who are Eliminated (i.e. reach 0 gold) during a Public Cash-Game poker match are Autokicked from the game unless they Re-Buy In within the next 2 minutes
  • Players who Leave a Public poker match or are Autokicked cannot rejoin that match for 10 minutes
  • Added support for players to be able to toggle “Auto-Call”, “Auto-Check”, and “Auto-Fold” during a poker round to automatically do that action if applicable next time it is their turn

Boss Looting Item Rights

  • In order to curb the rampant use of illegal looting scripts, we have implemented a new loot mechanic on high end content
  • Boss Level Creatures (Mini-Boss, Boss, Omni Boss, Event Boss) now feature a Looting Rights mechanic on individual items on their corpses
  • For the first 60 seconds after a boss creature dies, players are only able to see or lift items on a Boss corpse that they have been granted specific Looting Rights to
  • After 60 seconds have passed, players can loot any and all items from the corpse as normal
  • Players get Looting Rights to a number of random items on the corpse equal to (% Player Damage Dealt to Creature x Total Items on Corpse) rounded down
  • Party Damage Sharing does factor into a player’s “Damage Dealt to Creature” value for a boss
  • For example a player who dealt 10% of the total damage to a boss that has 150 items on its corpse, would get access to 15 randomized items, and they would be the only player who could see those items on the corpse and lift them for the first 60 seconds
  • For players who dealt damage to the boss, but their Damage Total (rounded down) wasn’t enough to earn an single item, they will be added to a randomized pool of players who will get Looting Rights to any remaining items on the corpse not already assigned to a player (they will have Looting Rights to those remaining items for 60 seconds)
  • Once 60 seconds have passed after the boss creature dies, any players can double-click the boss corpse and all remaining items on the corpse will now become visible and liftable by them

Wilderness Loot

  • Wilderness creatures now drop 100% of normal loot (previously was 75% of normal)

Murderer Resurrection

  • The bug which allowed dead murderers to remain in dungeons if resurrected has been fixed
  • Murderers can no longer resurrect inside of dungeons

Wilderness Aggression Restriction

  • Wilderness aggression restrictions are now independent from dungeon restrictions
  • The maximum wilderness restriction is 15 minutes

Tamed Creature Corpses

  • Tamed Creature Corpses will now decay in 10 seconds
  • If a Tamed Creature has a backpack, such as a Pack Animal or creature with the Mule Trait, their corpse will instead decay in 5 minutes


  • Hiking now counts as a skill activation, meaning you must wait for any current skill cooldowns before hiking, and cannot use any skills while in the process of hiking


  • When players activate an Echo, they will lose any active bonuses they have for Camping, Forensic Eval, or Taste ID skills currently in place

Damage Entries

  • Fixed an issue where a dead player was no longer being treated as having dealt damage during Shrine Corruptions / Boss Fights / Omni Bosses
  • Players in Parties will no longer be able to share experience if they have been dead for 10 minutes or more (previously was 5 minutes)


  • Fixed an issue where players were able to leave guilds and rejoin a new guild immediately (players are required to wait 1 hour before joining a new guild after leaving one)


  • Fixed an issue where Locked Down items being deleted or being added to a Storage Shelf would still count towards the house’s Lockdown capacity
  • Players who are Ejected or Banned from a house also have all of their followers removed from the house
  • Players cannot use the Eject or Help/Stuck feature to remove themselves from a house if they have successfully stolen an item in the last 30 seconds
  • Fixed an issue where Weekly Visitors numbers were not resetting each week
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to Recall/Gate into the porch area of the Frontier Log and Slate Overlook house
  • Players can no longer Fish from inside houses (including House Boats)

Bank Checks

  • Gold Bank Checks, Prevalia Bank Checks, and Doubloon Bank Checks now each have their own unique hue to distinguish them from other deeds



Aspect Gear

  • Fixed a timing issue where a player or their followers could sometimes initiate an attack against another player and their Aspect Gear bonuses would factor into calculations (this is no longer possible)

Aspect Support Items

  • Aspect Weapon Oil, Aspect Spell Foci, Aspect Arrow Bundle, and Aspect Bolt Bundle items now have 2000 Charges (previously was 500)

PvP Event Flagging

  • Players who enter a PvP event area (such as Corpse Creek Contest, a Dungeon Flashpoint, etc) while as a ghost will not be automatically treated as becoming a participant in the event
  • Players who resurrect inside of a PvP event area will be treated as becoming a participant in that event (but only if they have “Participate in PvP events” toggled in their settings)

Global War

  • Fixed an issue where Arena matches would sometimes be considered for Global War kills

Server Rankings

  • Server Ranks will no longer display up to the minute values for each player for categories, and will now only display value at the time the server calculated their rank last (which occurs hourly)
  • Fixed an issue where clicking “Show My Ranking” or “Show My Guild” buttons would jump to the wrong page in the results

Player Stats Profile

  • Fixed an issue where Damage from Magic Spellbooks wasn’t displaying correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Mana Refund Chance from Magic Spellbooks wasn’t displaying correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Barding AoE song names weren’t displaying correctly
  • Earthquake Spell for PvP now displays “50% of Health” as it’s damage amount
  • Female Armor should now display their icons correctly
  • Damage Scalar Displays for Weapons and Spellbooks have been adjusted to appear similiarly to how the formulas are presented in the Wiki

Arms Lore

  • The Arms Lore window should display all information for an item again (was briefly disabled)

Dockmasters and Stablemasters

  • Players may now rename Dockmasters and Stablemasters they have placed in their house

Salvage Gold Credit

  • Players can now drag and drop Ship Crewmember Contracts onto Salvage Foreman NPCs in town to receive “Salvage Gold Credit” for them
  • When players pay gold to retrieve Salvageable (but not Ransomed) ship items from the Salvage Menu, it will first use any Salvage Gold Credit avaialble to pay the cost for the item, and then use gold from the player’s bank for the remainder, if neccessary
  • Players receive 300 Salvage Gold Credit per Rank of Ship Crewmember (i.e. Novice = 300 Gold, Adept = 600 Gold, Veteran = 900 Gold, Expert = 1200 Gold, Mastery = 1500 Gold)


  • Fixed an issue where ship movement could sometimes “drag” a player onto the ship if the ship overrlaps the player’s location near land

Bludchok Orc Fort

  • The Bludchok Orc Fort is once again Mountless


  • Fixed an issue where players could receive credit for reaching level 10 with the same creature multiple times

Artisan Aspect Experience

  • Fixed an issue where players werent gaining full experience for stacks of objects

Fortune Aspect Experience

  • Players should now earn Fortune Aspect Experience for Lockpicking Paragon Chests


  • Players will now gain fame for Lockpicking Dungeon Chests, Treasure Map Chests, Paragon Chests, and for earning Sinking Ships

Town Struggle

  • Fixed a display issue when a Town Struggle results in a tied score


  • Increased the chance of players earning an Antiquity for Shrine Corruption and Omni-Bosses as well as for PvP Events (such as Town Struggles, Dungeon Flashpoints, etc)

Society Jobs

  • Fixed an issue where players were sometimes not earning credit for “Killing Enemy Crewmembers During Ship Boarding” jobs

Dungeon Regions

  • The Snow Fortress and Passages overworld regions are no longer considered “Dungeon Regions” and therefore will not be considered in our IP Restrictions for Dungeons (therefore will not “eject” a player who has a restriction in place)

Damage Tracking

  • Fixed an issue in the Damage Tracker where clicking “Show Poison Damage” and “Show Special Damage” weren’t working correctly

Mount Breeding

  • Fixed an isssue where Fertility Serums weren’t adding their full bonus

Outlands Collectable Cards

  • Players can now add Outlands Collectable Cards to Collectable Card Tomes while inside of their bank box

Storage Shelves

  • Players can no longer accidentally “add” Masks, Armored Wizards Hats, Restyled Hats, Evening Gloves, Hooks, or Neckwear items to the Storage Shelf


  • Players casting the Polymorph spell will now always remain grey for the entire maximum duration of the spell, even if the spell is prematurely cancelled due to PvP or the player manually canceling the spell


  • Plant Soil and Plant Heat Filters will no longer function as “Surface” items players can walk on


  • Fixed an issue where players were not able to alternate between using Provocation and Discordance every 5 seconds (as intended)


  • The Giant Flowering Cactus and Banana Tree should now display their correct graphics



  • The Drunkard customization should now display correct graphics for “dropping” bottles