PATCH: January 25 – Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

Boss Looting

  • Fixed an issue with the new Boss Loot mechanic added from our previous patch that resulted in some items on Bosses not being assigned Looting Rights to a player (therefore these items showed up on the corpse both visible and liftable to ALL players immediately)

Aspect Gear

  • Added support for players to maintain their original headgear color when activating Aspect Armor


  • Fixed an issue with Pot Splitting not factoring in some bets placed by Folding players into the final pot total that was split amongst winning players
  • Fixed an issue where players who were eliminated would be continously declared as being Eliminated again and again at the end of each round
  • Players who are Eliminated should now properly be removed from poker games if they don’t Re-Buy into the game within 2 minutes

House Deeds

  • If a player dies with a House Deed on them, upon resurrection that House Deed cannot be placed for 5 minutes

Artisan Aspect XP

  • Removed the mechanic that multiplies Artisan Aspect XP based on number of items created (found to be a balance issue)


  • Players may again fish from House Boats, but not normal houses (we will be overhauling Fishing very soon so this should likely have new handling in the future)

Tamed Creatures

  • Tamed Creature AoE Effects (such as Massive Breath) can now hit hostile non-tamed creatures that the tamer has not yet attacked (i.e. the player doesn’t have to manually attack all creatures first before AoE effects are able to hit them)


  • Any time a player lowers their Camping, Forensics, or Taste ID skill any effects generated by activating those skills (such as Camping Comfort, Forensic Slayer, Taste ID Poultice) will be cleared from the player and must be reapplied manually


  • Players who successfully steal an item cannot use the Eject or HelpStuck feature of a house for 10 seconds (previously was 30 seconds)