PATCH: Jun. 7 – Dungeon Overhaul, Murder Count Changes, Customizations and so much more

Murder Counts

  • We are removing the Long-Term Murder Counts mechanic in its entirety
  • Additionally, we are removing the Repent mechanic in its entirety (which was previously used to get rid of Long-Term Counts)
  • Players will now simply track Murder Counts and have a running Murder Fees amount they will be responsible for paying on resurrection as a Murderer
  • We have removed the mechanic where players had a random chance to receive 2 Murder Counts when participating in Murders involving multiple attackers


  • When players die, if they have 5 Murder Counts or more on their character, they will be responsible for paying off their Murder Fees gold amount before they are allowed to resurrect
  • Upon paying their Murder Fees, the player’s Murder Counts will be reduced to 5 (if above 5) and their Murder Fees amount will be set to 0
  • If a player elects to waits for their murder counts to decay below 5 and then resurrect, any Murder Fees for them will still remain in place, and will simply have to be paid off the next time they die with 5 Murder Counts or more

Reporting Murders and Initial Attack Location

  • When a player kills another player and can be reported for murder, it will now track where the Initial Attack occurred at, which is the most recent location where the “Player X is attacking you!” message was sent to the victim
  • For all intents and purposes the Initial Attack location will be treated as the *actual* location of the murder for resolving Murder Fees and Aggression Restrictions (explained below)

Note: If a player is killed in a Grey Zone, they will still NOT be able to report the attacker for murder, even if the Initial Attack location occured in a location where a murder could be reported (i.e. dying in a Grey Zone can never result in a Murder Count)

Murder Fees
When a player commits a murder and is reported for it, the player’s Murder Fees amount will increase based on the location where the Initial Attack on the victim occurred at, with fees as follows:

Level 1 of Dungeon: 2000 Gold Fee
Level 2 of Dungeon: 1000 Gold Fee
Level 3 of Dungeon: 500 Gold Fee
Boss Rooms of Dungeon: 500 Gold Fee

Wilderness: 1000 Gold Fee

When a player is reported for murder, they also will be told what the Murder Fee was for that individual murder, as well as what their newly adjusted Total Murder Counts and Total Murder Fees now are



A player attacks another player in Nusero Dungeon Level 3


The player kills their victim in Nusero Dungeon Level 2 and is reported, but Murder Fees are determined based on the Initial Attack location which was Level 3

Murder Fees for Unique Areas
Some areas will be considered unique and have a custom Murder Fee structure

In most cases, these will be dungeons that have unique level structures (such as Inferno dungeon), special overworld locations (such as Undermountain), or places where the earliest levels of the dungeon are much more difficult than a standard dungeon and will *not* be geared towards new players (such as Shadowspire Cathedral)

Unique Murder Fees for locations are as follows:

Inferno Level 1: 2000 Gold Fee
Inferno Level 2 and Boss Rooms: 750 Gold Fee

Shadowspire Cathedral Level 1: 750 Gold Fee
Shadowspire Cathedral Level 2, 3, and Boss Rooms : 500 Gold Fee

Urukton Bluffs: 750 Gold Fee
Undermountain: 750 Gold Fee
Forsaken Keep: 750 Gold Fee

Aggression Restrictions
When a Murderer dies in a dungeon for any reason, they will by default have a 15 minute Aggression Restriction applied for that dungeon

However, if within the 30 minutes prior to their death the Murderer is reported for any murders in that dungeon, their Aggression Restriction for the dungeon will be adjusted based on the longest penalty listed amongst the Initial Attack locations of any murders they were Reported for in that dungeon during that time

Durations are as follows:

Level 1 of Dungeon: 90 Minutes (High Penalty)
Level 2 of Dungeon: 45 Minutes
Level 3 of Dungeon: 15 minutes
Boss Rooms of Dungeon: 15 minutes


A murderer attacks someone in Nusero Level 3 and kills the victim in Nusero Level 2 (Initial Attack location is considered Level 3)
The murderer then attacks someone in Nusero Level 2 and kills the victim in Nusero Level 1 (Initial Attack location is considered Level 2)
The murderer themselves are then killed in Nusero Level 1

The murderer will now receive an Aggression Restriction for Nusero of 45 minutes, due to the murder that had an Initial Attack location of Level 2

Aggression Restrictions for Unique Areas
Some areas will be considered unique and have a custom Aggression Restriction structure

In most cases, these will be dungeons that have unique level structures (such as Inferno dungeon), special overworld locations (such as Undermountain), or places where the earliest levels of the dungeon are much more difficult than a standard dungeon and will *not* be geared towards new players (such as Shadowspire Cathedral)

Unique Murder Fees for locations are as follows:

Inferno Level 1: 90 Minutes
Inferno Level 2 and Boss Rooms: 30 Minutes

Shadowspire Cathedral Level 1: 30 Minutes
Shadowspire Cathedral Level 2, 3, and Boss Rooms : 15 Minutes

Urukton Bluffs: 30 Minutes
Undermountain: 30 Minutes
Forsaken Keep: 30 Minutes

Aggression Restrictions for Wilderness

  • If a Murderer dies in the Wilderness, their Aggression Restriction for the Wilderness will default to 15 Minutes
  • However, if they have committed any murders in any High Penalty (90 Minutes) dungeon areas within the last 30 minutes, their Wilderness Aggression Restriction duration will be increased to 30 Minutes


A player commits several murders in Pulma level 1 and then exits the dungeon and is killed in the Overworld

The Murderer then receives an Aggression Restriction for the Wilderness of 30 minutes instead of the normal 15 minute duration

Existing Murderers
When this patch goes live, existing Murderers who have more than 5 Short Term Murder counts will have their Murder Fees automatically set to ((Murder Counts – 5) x 250 Gold)

Long-Term murder counts for existing Murderers will be ignored (since this mechanic is being removed)


Creatures and Dungeons Overhaul
We have completed a major overhaul and rebalance of the Stats, Skills, and Abilities of around 95% of the creatures on Outlands, including those in Dungeons, Wilderness, New Player Dungeon, Mini-Bosses, and Bosses

Players will now find that difficulty on creatures in most areas have been increased, but will now be much more rewarding for gold/loot

There is now also a much better linear progression of creature difficulty between Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 of dungeons, and many players who previously would skip farming in Level 1 and Level 2 of a dungeon may now find them ideal farming locations

Players should also be aware that Level 3 areas for dungeons have intentionally been made much more difficult now, and players should re-assess their previous comfort level farming those areas, as they are now intended to extremely difficult and in many cases treated as “Group” areas now

The New Player Dungeon has also undergone a substantial renovation for its creatures as well as the mechanics for players within (explained later)

CreaturesMaster Spreadsheet
We have a comprehensive CreaturesMaster spreadsheet that shows raw Stats/Skills/Scalars for most farmable creatures on Outlands, which can be viewed below:


The most recent version of creatures on Outlands will be the “left-most” Tab in the spreadsheet


  • Mini-Bosses and Bosses in dungeons have been rebalanced as well as had a number of underperforming or broken abilities adjusted / fixed
  • A large number of previously “Automatic Hit” abilities have now become dodgeable or have a radius that can be avoided
  • Boss difficulty in general has been increased for our “legacy” (i.e. non-Shadowspire Cathedral dungeon) bosses
  • Bosses that spawn Minions will now have chances to spawn additional minions based on the number of players fighting the boss (similar to our existing handling for Hit Points and Damage increases per player)
  • The starting Hit Points of the Ocean Boss is now 120,000 and the Ocean Mini-Boss is now 60,000 (previously was 60,000 and 30,000 respectively)
  • The Per Player Hit Points Increase for the Ocean Boss is now 30,000 and the Ocean Mini-Boss is now 15,000 (previously was 20,000 and 10,000 respectively)


  • Rescaled the handling on the stats/skill adjustments for Paragon creatures

Creature Spell Damage

  • Players can now view the expected ranges of Spell Damage for Non-Tamed/Non-Summoned creatures in the Animal Lore menu for them
  • The Magery skill of Non-Tamed / Non-Summoned creatures is now primarily used to determine how likely the creature will cast high-level spells including Area-of-Effect (AoE) spells such as Meteor Swarm or Chain Lightning

Creature Parry

  • Creatures can no longer Parry any player-based Backstab attacks

Creature Flamestrike

  • Damage that Players receive from the Flamestrike effect when landing Melee hits on certain fire-themed creatures has been reduced to 33% of normal
  • Damage that Tamed/Summoned Creatures receive from the Flamestrike effect when landing Melee hits on certain fire-themed creatures has been reduced to 66% of normal

Creature Chill Touch

  • Damage that Players receive from the Chill Touch effect when landing Melee hits on certain ice-themed creatures has been reduced to 33% of normal
  • Damage that Tamed/Summoned Creatures receive from the Chill Touch effect when landing Melee hits on certain ice-themed creatures has been reduced to 66% of normal

Damage Reduction

  • The maximum amount of Damage Reduction a player can experience by any means (including both PvP and PvM) is now 80% (previously was 90%)

Arcane Essence

Arcane Essence Consumption

  • Instead of having a random chance of losing Arcane Essence Charges when inflicting damage while wearing Aspect Gear, players will now have an invisible “Damage Progress Meter” that is tracked for them when inflicting damage in Aspect Gear, and when the meter reaches 100%, the character will lose 1 Arcane Essence Charge (and the meter will reset to 0%)
  • Progress for the meter increases by (Damage Inflicted) / (2000 – (Current Aspect Tier * 30)) %
  • Any bonuses the players have towards reducing Arcane Essence Consumed (such as Weekly Server Region Bonuses) will reduce the amount the Meter increased by that much

A player wearing Tier 10 Fire Aspect armor inflicts 500 damage, which will result in the meter filling up (500 / (2000 – (10 * 30))) = 29.4%

The benefit of this change is that players can more accurately forecast how much Arcane Essence Charges they will burn while farming over a set period, whereas the previous system (random chances to lose essence) operated like Skill Gains where players could have completely variable amounts of Essence burned across the same amount of time in different play sessions

Additionally, the formula change also factors in the overall increase in Hit Points given to a large number of monsters as part of the Dungeon Overhaul (described above)

Warning Notification

  • Players can now specify the exact point at which they will be warned when their Arcane Essence Charges remaining on their character drops below that number
  • The “Warn When Below” value indicates the specific point where a notification message and sound will be generated for the player


  • Clicking the “Set” button in the Aspect Mastery menu will launch a menu where players can type in a specific number they want to be warned at
  • Players can then click the “Set Target” button in the pop up window to accept the new Target Number



A player changes it so they will be notified when their Arcane Essence Charges remaining hits 250

Character Creation

  • Any Profession or Custom Skill selections on character creation that generates Intelligence Stat Stones for the player will now generate twice as many as normal
  • Spell Stones now have 750 Charges each (previously was 250)
  • Players who receive a Spellbook on character creation (from Mage Profession or Custom Skill selections) will now have the Mind Blast and Summon Creature spells added to it
  • Players who select the Mage Profession, or Custom Skill selection of Magery or Wrestling, will receive a Martial Manual (wrestling weapon)
  • Players will now receive a Veterinary Supplies for each Taming-related skill (Animal Taming, Animal Lore, Herding, Veterinary) they start with from either the Tamer Profession or from Custom Skill selections
  • Players will now receive 750 Arrows from either the Ranger Profession or from Archery Custom Skill selection (previously was 500)

New Player Dungeon and Shelter Island

  • The New Player Dungeon has been overhauled in regards to creature difficulty balance, creature locations, with a number of new creatures added
  • The Maximum Skill Cap for raising skills in the New Player Dungeon and on Shelter Island is now 75 (previously was 70)
  • Creatures in the New Player Dungeon will now drop 75% of normal gold amounts (previously was 50% of normal dungeon/overworld amounts)

Animal Taming

  • The Skill Gain Rate for Animal Taming has been increased by 100% of normal
  • Players now will bank 0.5 Passive Taming points for every 0.1 Animal Taming skill gained (previously was a 1-to-1 ratio)
  • Players can now bank up to a max of 5.0 Passive Taming points (previously was 2.5)


  • Players using Bandages and Veterinary Supplies to Heal Followers will now always be treated as having 100 Dex for the purposes of determining healing speed
  • The Skill Gain Rate for Veterinary has been increased by 100% of normal
  • Base Healing amount of Bandages on creatures has been increased to 80-120 (previously was 60-90)
  • If a player uses Veterinary Supplies and only heals a single creature, the amount healed will now be 75% of normal Bandaging amounts (previously would only be 50% of normal Bandaging Amounts)
  • If a player uses Veterinary Supplies and attempts to Cure or Ressurect only a single creature, the success chance will now be 75% of normal Bandaging chances (previously would only be 50% of normal Bandaging chance)


  • The Skill Gain Rate for Healing has been increased by 100% of normal


  • Players will now passively gain Herding skill while taming creatures (similar to passive gains for Animal Lore while taming creatures)

Summoned Creatures

  • Players can now change the “Aggro Mode” and “Combat Range” for their Summoned Followers (including Necromancy followers)
  • Players can click the “Abilities” button in the Animal Lore menu on a summoned creature to view the settings currently set for all creatures of that specific Summon Type


  • Changing the Aggro Mode or Combat Range of a summon type will apply that setting change to all summons you currently have active of that creature type as well as to any future creatures you later summon of that type
  • When Aggro Mode is enabled for a creature it will generate additional Aggro beyond the normal amount
  • Combat Range is used to force creatures to try to move within Melee Range of enemies or to force them to keep them back at Spellcasting range


  • Removed the “Discorded creatures suffer an additional 25% penalty to their damage dealt towards the bard who discorded them” mechanic
  • Discorded creatures that are also Pacified or Provoked will now take an additional 15% increased damage from all sources (previously was 25%)
  • The Ensemble Bard Codex Upgrade will now provide a Damage Bonus of (10% / 20% / 30%) per Tier to creatures you have Discorded and have also Pacified or Provoked (previously was 8% / 16% / 24%)

Chivalry and Necromancy

  • Players who select Chivalry or Necromancy as their starting skills on Character Creation will now start with a Book of Chivalry / Book of Necromancy in their backpack
  • The costs to acquire an additional Book of Chivalry / Book of Necromancy from Paladin Necromancer NPCs has been reduced drastically to 5000 Gold or by spending 25,000 Fame
  • Mini-Bosses, Bosses, and Omni-Bosses will no longer drop Books of Chivalry/Necromancy as loot
  • Epic Skill Scrolls will now increase the Skill Caps for the Chivalry and Necromancy skills

Pack Animals

  • Pack Animals that have been released by their Controller can now be attacked by monsters
  • Pack Horses and Pack Llamas will no be longer allowed in Dungeons or IP-Restricted Regions (such Undermountain, Urukton Bluffs)
  • If a player attempts to enter a Pack Animal-restricted area (via Entrances/Moongates/Recall/etc) any Pack Animals following the player will be left at their original location and the player will be notified as such
  • Players will exclusively be allowed to bring Pack Animals into Omni Boss Lair regions

Harvesting Material Weights

  • Reduced the weight of Ore to 2.0 stones (previously was 8)
  • Reduced the weight of Ingots to 0.025 stones (previously was 0.1)
  • Reduced the weight of Logs and Boards to 0.025 stones (previously was 0.1)
  • Reduced the weight of Raw Fish to 0.025 stones (previously was 0.1)

Skill Mastery Scrolls

  • The weight on Skill Mastery Scrolls has been reduced to 0.1 stones (previously was 1.0)

Player Customizations

  • Players now have access to two new Enhancements in the Player Customization system which are: “Strongbox 1″ and “Strongbox 2”
  • Strongbox 1 and Strongbox 2 each reduce the weight of Gold and Doubloons carried in the player’s backpack by 25%
  • Players can unlock both enhancements for a total Gold and Doubloon weight reduction of 50%
  • As with all Player Customizations, these effects apply to all characters on the player’s account
  • Strongbox 1 and Strongbox 2 are unique in that they cannot be purchased with Gold or Doubloons, and instead the player must acquire a “Strongbox Customization Unlock Deed” to unlock each customization


  • Players can purchase Strongbox Customization Unlock Deeds through spending points in most Reward Systems such as Societies, Achievements, Arena, Guild, Strangelands, Catch of the Week, etc
  • Strongbox Customization Unlock Deeds are Blessed


  • When a player attempts to unlock either Strongbox 1 or Strongbox 2, it will search the player’s backpack for a Strongbox Customization Unlock Deed, and if found, will consume it and unlock the Enhancement (and immediately Activating it)

Creature Reagents

  • Significantly reduced the amount of Reagents that would drop as loot on spellcasting creatures (non-Boss), as it was resulting in Spellcasting creatures being worth far more valuable than melee creatures of similar DifficultyValue


  • Vendor NPCs in Towns (or those acquired through Guild Prestige Unlocks) will now restock their inventory every 20-40 minutes (previously was every 30-60 minutes)

Aegis Keep Creatures

  • Aegis Keep will no longer spawn “Strange” versions of creatures that transform when attacked, and instead now will simply spawn with creatures in their true “Blood” form naturally


  • Added two new ranks for Guardian achievement for each Wilderness/Dungeon location
  • There are now 5 total ranks for the Guardian achievement and the previous (Advanced) and (Master) ranks are now displayed as (Intermediate) and (Advanced) respectively
  • The 4th Guardian achievement rank (Master) now grants the player title of “Hero of “
  • The 5th Guardian achievement rank (Epic) now grants the player title of “Savior of “





Hero and Savior of Outlands

  • Players who complete 10 or more “Guardian of Dungeon X” (Master) achievements will now complete the Hero of Outlands achievement and receive the “Hero of Outlands” title
  • Players who complete 10 or more “Guarian of Dungeon X” (Epic) achievements will now complete the Savior of Outlands achievement and receive the “Savior of Outlands” title



Town Struggles

  • Fixed an issue where a player dying right as a match ended would sometimes result in that player scoring 0 Points and the Team Score for their Faction being set to 0
  • Fixed an issue where players were not being punished for going AFK/Idle during Town Struggles
  • Added 4 additional Town Struggle Faction Base Moongate locations that will spawn throughout Corpse Creek prior to a Town Struggle beginning
  • Players participating in Town Struggles with un-Bonded Mounts will no longer lose their mounts on death (provided the player dies within the Town Struggle town region)


  • Resource Stockpiles in houses that decay will always be added to the IDOC Lottery for that house, similar to Storage Shelves
  • Resource Stockpiles added to an IDOC Lottery will have their stored item counts reduced by 50%

Blood Feuds

  • Reduced the Minimum Kills Goal that players can set for Guild Blood Feuds to 10 Kills (previous minimum was 50)
  • Players can now create Blood Feuds lasting 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 6 Hours, 12 Hours, 1 Day, 3 Days, or 5 Days

Forsaken Keep

  • The Forsaken Keep is now an IP-restricted location (counts as a dungeon for purposes of 1 character on IP allowed) that players can now also receive Aggression Restrictions for due to murders


  • Restructured the Summoner’s Tome upgrades that the Summoner and Necromancer templates receive for their spells, as the previous structure’s total points would exceed the maximum amount allowed for their starting Spirit Speak skill (90) and cause them to not work correctly until the player had leveled up Spirit Speak skill sufficiently during the event

Ship Bombs

  • Small Ship Bombs and Large Ship Bombs are now stackable

Creatures on Ships

  • A large number of Tamed/Summoned creatures will no longer display “impact” effects for their abilities, as the graphics of the impacts would sometimes cause the system to interpret the impact’s location as being “blocked/impassable” and stopping or preventing ship movement (abilities will still play their “moving” visuals and animations)


  • The Spyglass Results menu will now display ship icons with hues matching their text color

Ocean Bosses

  • When Ocean Bosses move more than 100 tiles away from their initial spawn location and return home, they will now leave behind a splash animation and message indicating that they have returned home to their original spawn location

Trapped Pouches

  • Players can now craft Trapped Pouches through the Tailoring skill under the Utility category (25-50 Tailoring Skill needed)

Special Effects

  • Fixed an issue where dead Players and Creatures would sometimes have lingering Disease or Bleed effects visually display for their ghost

Creature Fields / Tile Effects

  • Fixed an issue where some “Field/Tile” effects from creatures abilities (such as Firefields, Embalming Fluid, Venom puddles) could sometimes have multiple stacked on the same tile (should only ever be 1 of each type of item max per tile)


  • The “Progressive Loot” bonus to Gold Loot that occurs when a creature has spawned and has been idle for hours/days will no longer be applied to creatures on the TEST SERVER
  • Using the [Go command on the TEST SERVER should now properly warp a player’s Followers to their new destination
  • Players now have access to a “Fill Guild Dungeon Progress” button on the Purple Player Editor statue in Prevalia on the TEST SHARD to fill that player’s Guild Dungeon Progress meters for every dungeon to maximum