PATCH: June 25 – Barbaric Summer Begins!

A new MANDATORY file patch is now available for download. Please run your launchers before you login next. Click Verify to confirm you have the latest game files. This patch is required to see the new artwork, maps, clothing, etc.




Stalag Grotto Survival (PvM Event) 

The Stalag Grotto Survival event is now underway!

Details for the event can be found below:




Prevalian Merchant Summer Update

  • The Prevalian Merchant has been updated with a new collection of limited edition items
  • The Merchant update will be available from Saturday June 25th through Sunday July 31st

New Wearables

Barbaric Mask
Occupies the Helm Layer and counts as an Exceptional Quality Leather Cap


Belted Fur Pauldrons
Occupies the Shoulder Layer


Clawed Fur Stole
Occupies the Shoulder Layer


Clawed Boots
Occupies the Shoes Layer


Fur Bolero
Occupies the Outer Torso Layer


Fur Vest
Occupies the Outer Torso Layer


Fur Loin Cloth
Occupies the Outer Body Layer


Quilled Stole
Occupies the Outer Body Layer


Shaman Skirt
Occupies the Outer Legs Layer


Hide Skirt
Occupies the Outer Legs Layer


Decorative Items

  • A large number of new Barbarian-themed decorative items have been added to the Prevalia Market
  • Players should click the “Info” button next to each items to see a full description of the item’s details

















Returning Items

  • A large number of last year’s items have returned and been made available for purchase again this year

















Limited Edition Craftables

  • For a limited time, players will be able to craft “Hide Carpet Bundles” with the Tailoring skill under the Event category
  • Crafting a Hide Carpet Bundle will give the player a backpack that contains: 2 Hide Carpet Center pieces, 3 Hide Carpet Edge pieces, and 2 Hide Carpet Corner pieces


  • Players can double-click Hide Carpet tiles in their backpack to rotate or change the visual style of the tile piece

Prevalian Merchant Permanent Additions

Furniture Category Items

  • The following items have been permanently added to the Furniture category and can only be purchased with Gold









Add-On Items

  • The following items have been permanently added to the Add-Ons category and can only be purchased with Gold





Wizard’s Satchels

  • Players can now craft Wizard’s Satchels with the Tailoring skill under the Wizard’s Satchels category


  • There are Wizard’s Satchels available in each Leather Material type


  • Wizard’s Satchels function similarly to Quivers, except they can only hold Reagents and Spell Scrolls
  • Wizard’s Satchels will grant the owner a chance at not consuming Reagents when casting spells (provides no bonus when casting off scrolls)
  • Wizard’s Satchels will also reduce the weight of any Reagents or Spell Scrolls stored inside
  • Wizard’s Satchels can be equipped (occupies the Outer Body layer) or they can be left in a player’s backpack; both locations will provide the player weight reduction / consumption effects

Using Reagents from Wizard’s Satchels

  • In order for a spellcast (non-scroll) to consider using reagents from a player’s Wizard’s Satchel, the satchel must contain every reagent required for the spellcast; i.e. the player cannot cast Energy Bolt using Black Pearl pulled from their backpack and Nightshade pulled from their satchel
  • If the player has sufficient reagents to cast a spell in both their Wizard’s Satchel and their Backpack, the satchel will take priority

Wizard’s Satchel Free Consume Chance
Players who have a Wizard Satchel equipped or in their backpack will have a chance that spellcasts (non-scroll) do not consume reagents, so long as the satchel has sufficient reagents to cast the spell in the first place

Wizard’s Satchels have a base chance of 10% to not consume reagents on spellcast and then are adjusted further based on the satchel as follows:

Exceptional Quality: +5% Chance Bonus

Mastercrafted: +5% Chance Bonus

Dullhide Leather: +6% Chance Bonus
Shadowhide Leather: +9% Chance Bonus
Copperhide Leather: +12% Chance Bonus
Bronzehide Leather: +15% Chance Bonus
Goldenhide Leather: +18% Chance Bonus
Rosehide Leather: +21% Chance Bonus
Verehide Leather: +24% Chance Bonus
Valehide Leather: +27% Chance Bonus
Avarhide Leather: +30% Chance Bonus

An Exceptional Quality, Mastercrafted satchel made with Avarhide Leather will have a 10% + 5% + 5% + 30% = 50% chance to cast a spell and not require reagents

Wizard’s Satchel Weight Reduction

Reagents Weight
Reagents stored in a Wizard’s Satchel have their base weight reduced by 10%, and then receive further weight reductions based on the satchel as follows:

Exceptional Quality: 5% Weight Reduction

Mastercrafted: 5% Weight Reduction

Dullhide Leather: 6% Weight Reduction
Shadowhide Leather: 9% Weight Reduction
Copperhide Leather: 12% Weight Reduction
Bronzehide Leather: 15% Weight Reduction
Goldenhide Leather: 18% Weight Reduction
Rosehide Leather: 21% Weight Reduction
Verehide Leather: 24% Weight Reduction
Valehide Leather: 27% Weight Reduction
Avarhide Leather: 30% Weight Reduction

An Exceptional Quality, Mastercrafted satchel made with Avarhide Leather will have a 10% + 5% + 5% + 30% = 50% weight reduction for reagents

Spell Scrolls Weight
Spell Scrolls stored in a Wizard’s Satchel have their base weight reduced by 20%, and then receive further weight reductions based on the satchel as follows:

Exceptional Quality: 10% Weight Reduction

Mastercrafted: 10% Weight Reduction

Dullhide Leather: 10% Weight Reduction
Shadowhide Leather: 15% Weight Reduction
Copperhide Leather: 20% Weight Reduction
Bronzehide Leather: 25% Weight Reduction
Goldenhide Leather: 30% Weight Reduction
Rosehide Leather: 35% Weight Reduction
Verehide Leather: 40% Weight Reduction
Valehide Leather: 45% Weight Reduction
Avarhide Leather: 50% Weight Reduction

An Exceptional Quality, Mastercrafted satchel made with Avarhide Leather will have a 20% + 10% + 10% + 50% = 90% weight reduction for spell scrolls

Accessory Dyes

  • Shield and Quiver Dyes have now been renamed to “Accessory Dyes”
  • Accessory Dyes will now dye Wizard’s Satchels in addition to Shields and Quivers




  • Players may now steal Arrows and Bolts from inside of Quivers


  • The max total weight of items that can be stolen from a Stack will no longer be reduced by 50%
  • The max total weight of Arrows/Bolts that can be stolen from a Quiver will be scaled downward by the quiver’s weight reduction scalar
  • The max total weight of Reagents and Spell Scrolls that can be stolen from a Wizard’s Satchel will be reduced by the satchel’s weight reduction scalar for that item type
  • The max total weight of Gold that can be stolen from a player will be scaled by that player’s gold weight reduction for Strong Box Customizations if they have any unlocked

Party Menu

  • The maximum size of Parties has been increased to 20 (we will consider increasing it further if no performance issues occur as a result)
  • Redesigned the Party Menu to show each party stat on a single page, with a Party % Bar and Party Rank displayed for each player
  • Added “Damage Taken” as a Stat Category that is now tracked for Parties
  • Resurrections is now listed as “Players Ressed” in the Party Menu

Smoke Bombs

  • Fixed an issue where players flagged as in being in PvP could sometimes still use Smoke Bombs

Atlas / Hiking

  • Added the Umbermare Fort to the Atlas system under Points of Interest
  • Fixed a bad Hiking destination for the Humility shrine that would cause players to get stuck


  • If players meet or exceed the Max Bonus Cap for a mechanic (such as Swing Speed having a Max Bonus Cap of +50%), the stat and its Effects/Modifiers will be displayed in Blue text in the [Stats page for players

Arcane Runes

  • Arcane Runes must be in a player’s backpack in order to be used

Poison Spell

  • Only the Captain of a ship can cast the Poison Spell while at sea
  • The Poison Spell will no longer cause an interrupt against the target when cast on ships

Lore Bosses

  • If a player is in a Guild and digs up a Lore Boss Treasure Map, the resulting Lore Boss that spawns will be treated as being Summoned by that player’s guild and any other player not in that guild that attacks the Lore Boss will be flagged as attackable for 10 minutes (similar to handling for Guild-Summoned Bosses in Dungeons/Ocean)

Parry Taunt

  • Players using the Taunt mechanic to directly target a specific creature will now have a higher Aggro effect on that creature than players who use the AoE (Area of Effect) Taunt mechanic; i.e. Direct Taunt will always take aggro priority over AoE Taunt

Creature Abilities

  • Some creatures will now have impact effects/sounds when using the Charge ability
  • Fixed an issue where some creatures with the Dig ability (such as Antlions, Ankhegs) wouldn’t teleport to the destination after digging


  • Placement of houses on land will no longer be blocked by having proximity to Houseboats (this was causing a number of valid land areas to become unplaceable)

Dungeon Flashpoints

  • Fixed an issue where Nusero and Ossuary dungeons had several small areas that were not being treated as part of the Level 1 region of the dungeon during Dungeon Flashpoints (causing spawns to remain and players to drop gear while in those locations)

Society Jobs

  • Potion Kegs will no longer occur as Crafting Jobs for Societies

Item Weights

  • Raw Ribs, Raw Fish Steaks, and Raw Drumsticks now weigh 0.025 stones each (matching recent changes for weights for Leather, Ingots, Boards)

Map Updates

Shadowspire Cathedral

  • An additional entrance has been added to Shadowspire Cathedral

Darkmire Temple

  • An additional pathway has been added to Darkmire Temple Level 3 (warning, it may contain traps!)

Mount Petram

  • Two additional pathways have been added to Mount Petram Level 3


  • Multiple additional pathways have been added to the Ossuary Main Boss room

Stalag Grotto

  • A new subterranean dungeon has been added, which will be used for upcoming seasonal events
  • The dungeon entrance is located outside of Anchors Rest



