PATCH: June 30 – Codex Progression Update, Bug Fixes and more

Wizard’s Satchels

  • Players casting spells from a Spell Scroll within a Wizard’s Satchel will now have a chance to not consume the scroll similar to the chance for Reagents to not be consumed when casting with a Wizard’s Satchel (chance is the same to not consume Spell Scroll as to not consume Reagents)
  • This chance to not consume Spell Scolls is a seperate check from the Inscription skill check to not consume scrolls (i.e. players can make two checks to not consume scrolls)

A player with 100 Inscription Skill casts the Energy Bolt spell from a scroll in their Wizard’s Satchel (Exceptional Quality, Mastercrafted Avarhide with 50% chance to not consume)

The player has a 40% chance from Inscription to not consume the scroll

If the Inscription mechanic fails, the player then also has 50% chance from the Wizard’s Satchel to not consume the scroll

Weapon Codexes

  • The Weapon/Shield Codex system has been overhauled and players can now chose how they wish to progress towards unlocking Codex Stance Ranks


  • Players can now view the description for each Stance/Finisher now by clicking the Small Orb button next to each Stance/Finisher

Earning Experience and Acquiring Upgrade Points

  • Players now earn Experience towards Weapon Codexes by inflicting damage with that Codex’s weapon skill (or having a Shield equipped for Parry Codex) and killing creatures, with the amount of Experience earned scaled based on (Creature’s Base Gold Value * Player’s Total Damage Dealt With Weapon as %)
  • It does not matter which Stance a player has activated: they will now simply earn experience towards their Codex so long as they are dealing damage with the specific weapon skill for that codex (or inflicting daamage while having a shield equipped for the Parry codex)
  • Any experience gained by the player will fill up a yellow Progress Bar for that codex


  • The Progress Bar for the player will reach 100% once they have earned 5000 Gold Worth of experience for a Weapon Codex, and they then will unlock an Upgrade Point Available for it

Spending Upgrade Points

  • Ranks for different stances of a codex now begin “Locked” (represented by Lock icons) and players must spend Upgrade Points to unlock them


  • If players have enough Upgrade Points Available, they can spend them and Upgrade a stance to its next Rank by clicking the Up Arrow Button for the stance and then clicking again to confirm the purchase
  • The cost to Upgrade each stance increases the higher Rank in the stance

The cost to upgrade each Rank for a stance are as follows:

Rank 1: 4 Upgrade Points
Rank 2: 8 Upgrade Points
Rank 3: 12 Upgrade Points
Rank 4: 16 Upgrade Points
Rank 5: 20 Upgrade Points
Rank 6: 40 Upgrade Points
Rank 7: 60 Upgrade Points

Weapon Finishers

  • Similar to before, players automatically unlock Finisher Ranks each time they Unlock Rank 5 for a Stance for the codex (with a Max Rank of 5 possible for Finishers, since there are 5 stances possible to hit rank 5 with)
  • Each Gold Orb for Finishers indicates the player has unlocked that Finisher Rank
  • Each Lock Icon for Finishers indicates the player has not yet unlocked that Finisher Rank

Skill Requirements and Codex Skills Removal

  • In order to use a Codex, players must still have 80 Skill or higher in the associated skill for the Codex and have 80 Tactics or higher as well
  • However, we are now removing the “Rank Caps” mechanic that would cap a player’s effective Stance Rank and effective Finisher Tier based on how many “Codex Skills above 80” the player had (skills such as Camping, Tracking, Tactics, etc)


  • “Broken Weapon” for Stances indicates the player has unlocked that Rank, but is currently below 80 Skill for the skill required for that Codex or is lacking the 80 or higher Tactics needed, and therefore will receive no benefit from the Stance


  • Grey Orb for Finishers indicates the player has unlocked that Rank, but is currently below 80 Skill for the skill required for that Code or is lacking the 80 or higher Tactics needed, and therefore will not trigger any Finishers

Thieves Codex Ruffian Upgrade

  • If a player has the Thieves Codex Ruffian Upgrade active for their character due to a Melee Backstab, the temporary Tactics bonus provided from it will count towards meeting the 80 Tactics skill neccesary for Weapon Codexes

When Patch Goes Live
When this patch goes live, players will retain all the previous Ranks and Finishers they had unlocked

Since individual stances will no longer have experience tracked for them, players will now automatically receive Codex experience based on the current progress that was present across all their stances for a codex, potentially receiving a number of Upgrade Points from this experience gained

Codex Stance Changes

  • The Macing Sunder stance now increases Damage by 4% per rank (previously was 5%)
  • The Archery Incendiary stance now increases Damage by 8% per Rank (previously was 10%)
  • The Fencing Cleave stance now increases Damage by 8% per Rank (previously was 10%)
  • The Macing Cleave stance now increases Damage by 8% per Rank (previously was 10%)
  • The Swords Cleave stance now increases Damage by 8% per Rank (previously was 10%)
  • The Wrestling Spider stance now increases Damage by 5% per Rank (previously was 6%)

Secondary Weapon Skill

  • Players who have multiple Weapon Skills on their character will now receive a Melee Damage Bonus against creatures (PvM Only) based on the skill value of their second highest Weapon Skill
  • Melee Damage bonus is (25% * (Second Highest Weapon Skill / 100)) against creatures
  • Valid Weapon Skills include ArcheryFencingMacingSwordsmanship, and Wrestling


  • Pickaxes now use the Macing skill (previously was Swords skill)
  • Gains Melee Damage bonus from the Mining skill similar to other Macing weapons
  • Pickaxes are no longer considered “Training” weapons and now have the Damage and Speed values of Mauls, Maces, and War Maces


  • Hatchets are no longer considered “Training” weapons and now have the Damage and Speed values of Axes (Two-Handed Axe, Double Axe, etc)
  • Gains Melee Damage bonus from the Lumberjacking skill similar to other Axe weapons

Bandaging Skill Crossovers

  • When using Bandages on a target, players can now optionally “Crossover” and use bandaging skills not normally allowed for the target type, such using Veterinary + Animal Lore on Players, or using Healing + Anatomy on Followers
  • Bandage Crossover has a severe penalty, and results in only 33% of normal Healing Amounts and Cure + Resurrection chances are reduced to 33% of normal
  • If players attempt to Cure or Resurrect targets using Crossover skills, the Crossover skills used must meet the base skill requirements for that action type (i.e. Curing will require 60 or higher for both skills used and Resurrection will require 80 or higher for both skills used)
  • If a player has the skills available to heal the target using either the “Normal” skills or “Crossover” skills, the bandaging attempt will use whichever skills results in the higher Healing amount or gives them the higher Cure or Ress success chance
  • Skill Gain for bandaging will always default to the normal skills for the target: bandaging Players will always raise Healing + Anatomy skill and bandaging Creatures will always raise Veterinary + Animal Lore

Veterinary Supplies

  • Using Veterinary Supplies will now display the time remaining in the Bandage Timer section of the Player Status Bar

Forensic Eval

  • Fixed an issue that was capping the PvM Bonus players were receiving from Forensic Eval at 100 Skill (should now scale correctly up to 120 skill)

Skill Gain

  • Increased the Skill Gain Rate of the Parry and Magic Resist skills by 100%


  • The Lyric Weapon/Spellbook “Cacophony” effect will now activate in a radius around the target creature, rather than in a radius around the player
  • The Poison Weapon/Spellbook “Toxicity” effect will now inflict (600 + (60 * Tier Level)) damage

Bard Codex

  • The Ensemble upgrade for the Bard Codex now grants a Damage Bonus of (8% / 16% / 24%) per Rank [previously was 10% / 20% / 30%]
  • The Refrain upgrade for the Bard Codex now grants a Damage Bonus and Damage Resistance of (8% / 16% / 24%) per Rank [previously was 10% / 20% / 30%]
  • The Perfect Pitch upgrade for the Bard Codex now increases Barding Success Chances by (8% / 16% / 24% ) Per Rank [previously was 10% / 20% / 30%]

Poison Kit

  • The Targeted Venom upgrade for the Poison Kit now increases Poison Tick Damage by (40% / 80% / 120%) per Rank [Previously was 50% / 100% / 150%]


  • Players now have the option to make their Vendors sell their goods to “Everyone” or to “Guild Only” (only members of their guild)
  • Players can additionally specify a Guild Discount for vendors that lowers the price of goods sold to members of that player’s own guild
  • The “Guild” for a vendor will always refer to the guild the Vendor Owner belongs to, and not the guild associated with the house where the vendor is located at (if one has been set)


  • Players can select a Guild Discount anywhere from 0 to 100%
  • If a player has changed the Availability or Discount levels for a Vendor, it will display that information overhead when single-clicking the Vendor


  • If a Vendor is set to “Guild Only”, players who are not in the Vendor Owner’s guild will not be able to view the vendor’s goods and will not be allowed to buy them
  • Players who are not in the guild will also not see the Guild Discount % if one is set


  • If a Guild Discount is set for a vendor, single-clicking the item will display the normal price, but the Purchase Item menu will show the adjusted price and the Guild Discount % the player is receiving for the item

Follower Area (AoE) Mode
Players now have the option in the Animal Lore Abilities Page to toggle for Followers whether their Area Abilities (if they have any) will either:

  • Hit only targets the player has Attacked or been Aggroed By (Pointer Icon)
  • Hit All valid targets in range (Explosion Icon)

Creatures will now default to the “Hit All” mode for Area Abilities




This Creature’s Area Abilities will only hit targets the player has Attacked or been Aggroed by


This Creature’s Area Abilities will hit all valid targets in range


This Otyugh is set to have its Area Ability hit all targets in valid range (even targets the player hasn’t attacked yet)


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Begging Motivate Crew bonus for Ship Crewmembers to not calculate Damage Bonuses correctly
  • Players and Followers can no longer become Hidden/Invisible while on ships
  • Repairing a ship will now make the player Entangled instead of Hindered for the repair duration

Test Center

  • Players can now have own multiple houses simultaneously on the Test Center (to test out house groupings)