PATCH: March 27 – Factions Updates and Fixes

Runebooks and Runetomes

  • Runebooks and Rune Tomes will no longer have a shift-click Context entry to rotate them


Participate in Factions

  • Players can now change their Participate in Factions setting at most once every hour


  • Players can now earn up to 75 Faction Score from control over Wayposts
  • Players will now earn 1 War Aspect Experience for every 3 Faction Score they earn from Waypost Control (players must first have War Aspect unlocked for their character to earn experience)

Faction Flags

  • When a Faction successfully Secures a Faction Flag, if one or more members of that faction earned at least 100 Faction Score or more during the process (Steal + Purifiy + Secure), their Guild will receive 1 Prestige
  • Note: the Prestige Gain amount will not be announced to the guild (to cut down on message spam)

Combined Faction Score Totals

  • Players during end of the week Tabula Rasa will now have a Combined Faction Score Total which is the combined Faction Score of all characters across that player’s IP Address (multiple accounts) that will be used to determine Faction Silver and Title Tiers earned

Faction Silver

  • Players during Tabula Rasa will now earn Faction Silver based on how their Combined Faction Score Total to other players in their Faction (with a max of 10,000 still)


  • Faction Silver earned will only be added to the Account of the character on their IP Address that had the highest individual Faction Score total that week (i.e. their most active character)
  • Other accounts used by players during a week will display as having “0 Last Week Silver Earned” since their Faction Silver was already applied to their “primary” account

Faction Titles

  • Faction Titles will now be calculated on a weekly basis during Tabula Rasa based on a player’s Combined Faction Score Total and will be applied to all characters they used during the week
  • Players can still compete over [ServerRank for Factions throughout the season, but [ServerRank for factions will now only function as other normal categories


  • Fixed an issue that was preventing players from receiving bonus Faction Score for Escorting Flags during their Purification and Securing phases

Flag Purification

  • The zone for Flag Purification at the Daemon Keep region has been expanded

Activity Icons
In the Faction Menu and Faction Hotbar, each Waypost now has an Activity Icon next to it indicating what occured at that Waypost during the last Control Tick (occurs every 15 seconds)

Activity Icons represent the following:

  • No Symbol: No activity occured
  • Lock Symbol: The Waypost is currently at 100% Control and Locked
  • Dagger Symbol: Two Factions are currently Contesting the Waypost
  • Left Arrow: A Faction is Lowering the current Control of the Waypost
  • Right Arrow: A Faction is Raising their Control over the Waypost


  • The [FactionHotbar will also display Activity Icons for its Wayposts

Battle Commendations

  • Players will now hear a sound play when they receive a Battle Commendation from Factions activity

Faction Rewards

Faction Tunics

  • Players can now purchase Faction Tunics, which are clothing items that occupy the Middle Torso layer
  • Faction Tunics can be Blessed with a Clothing Bless deed
  • Players cannot Dye their Faction Tunics, however they may Restyle them into different Faction Styles
  • Players must be a Participant in the Faction set for a Faction Tunic in order to be able to equip it


  • Players can Shift-Click a Faction Tunic in their backpack and click “Restyle” change switch the it to a different Faction
  • Each Faction has a different visual style and Faction-specific hue

Andaria Style Faction Tunic


Cambria Style Faction Tunic


Prevalia Style Faction Tunic


Terran Style Faction Tunic


Faction Lanterns

  • Players can now purchase Faction Lanterns, which are similar to other Reward/Loot Lanterns, which occupy the Two-Handed Secondary layer
  • Faction Lanterns are by default Blessed
  • Players can “Restyle” any Faction Lanterns to change them to their desired Faction’s Hue
  • Players must be a Participant in the Faction set for a Faction Lantern in order to be able to equip it


  • Players can Shift-Click a Faction Lantern in their backpack and click “Restyle” change switch the it to a different Faction
  • Each Faction has a Faction-specific hue

Andaria Style Faction Lantern








Decorative Banners

  • Players can now purchase three different types of Faction Decorative Banners to display in their houses
  • Each Decorative Banner can be restyled to display a specific Faction and Facing
  • Players can display any Faction for their Decorative Banner in their house: they do not need to have any characters active in the Faction to display the item


  • Players can double-click a Faction Decorative Banner in a player’s backpack to change the Faction and Facing of the banner
  • Players may also use an Interior Decorator in a house to “Rotate” and change the Faction and Facting of a Locked Down banner in a house

Faction Town Banners

  • Each Faction Town now has Faction Banners placed at various locations throughout the town
  • The Faction Banner in each town will automatically change to display which Faction currently has Secured that town’s Faction Flag (i.e The Prevalia Banner will display in Andaria if Prevalia has Andaria’s flag Secured)

