PATCH: November 30 – Creature Bazaar, Stablemaster Overhaul, Winter is Here and more!

Prevalian Merchant

  • Items purchased from the Prevalian Merchant will be temporarily Blessed for the first 60 minutes after purchase
  • Note: If a player adds a temporarily Blessed decoration item into any sort of Tome/Organizer (such as a Dye Tome) it will lose its temporary Blessed status

Pawn Shoppe Item Recovery

  • Containers and Antiquities that decay on the floors of houses will now be recoverable from the Pawn Shoppe Item Recovery system for up to 30 days

Treasure Maps and Treasure Map Chests

  • Treasure Maps will now automatically delete when their corresponding Treasure Map Chest is completed/deleted
  • Treasure Map Chests of Level 1-7 will now have a 1 Hour duration before they (and any creatures/items) will delete
  • Treasure Map Chests of Level 8 (Lore Boss Chests) will continue to have a 2 Hour duration (same as before)
  • Treasure Map Chests that are empty will now automatically delete in 1 minute (previously was 5 minutes)


  • Players inside of a Sanctuary Dungeon will no longer be able to Reveal other players through use the of the Detect Hidden skill or the Reveal spell
  • Fixed an issue where Murderers being ejected from a dungeon would sometimes be sent to Prevalia; will now correctly send them to Corpse Creek

Guard Zones

  • Fixed an outlier issue where a player could damage Blue (innocent) player while inside of a Guardzone

Resource Stockpiles

  • Aspect Items in Restource Stockpiles will now have a label to identify their Aspect

Stygian Rifts

  • Area of Effect (AoE) spells cast during Stygian Rifts will now only hit targets within Line-of-Sight (LOS) of the caster


  • Players are now prevented from entering Shelter Island and New Player Dungeon while carrying a Faction Flag


  • If a house has been marked for sale by its owner for 14 Days and not yet purchased, it will be set to be no longer for sale (and will revert to a default house sign if a “For Sale” sign was displayed)

House Decay Lotteries

  • Players can now purchase stacks of 100 Tickets for House Decay Lotteries (will require players to double-click to confirm purchase)


  • Players can no longer be invited into a Party while they are currently in the middle of a fight in the Arena


  • Fixed an issue where Aspect Effect Modifier Mastery Chain Links were not contributing their entire bonus to Eldritch Mana Wells


  • Fixed an issue where Shimmer Comet Ship Paint was not displaying correctly
  • Players may need to Dock and Relaunch their ships to apply this change

Item Deletion

  • Rental Room Credit Deeds will no longer be “recovered” for players when decaying on the ground or deleted from a Trash Barrel

Character Creation

  • Newbied Arrows and Bandages acquired during character creation will no longer be bound to that character
  • However, players will not be able to stack Newbied Arrows/Bandages together with Normal Arrows/Bandages


  • Fixed an issue where casting the Bless spell on a Follower would prevent it from using its Frenzy or Enrage abilities
  • Fixed an issue where the Scorch ability of Sun Wyrms and Sun Wyrmlings was stacking beyond its intended limit

Veterinary Resurrection Slips

  • While a player is Flagged in PvP and attempting to resurrect a Tamed Creature, through either Bandages or Veterinary Supplies, each time they are damaged by another player their resurrection chance will suffer a cumulative a 25% penalty (of normal)

Creature Abilities

  • Fixed an issue where the Primal Upgrade for Attack Class creatures was also applying to some Utility Class creatures

Creature Icons

  • Hundreds of creatures will now have new Icon Graphics for menus (such as Animal Lore Menu, Stablemaster Menu, Tracking Results, etc) that will correctly match their in-game appearance



Note: Some of the preview images for other features in this Patch (including Stablemaster Overhaul and Creature’s Bazaar) feature older versions of the Creature Icon graphics (they should look correct in-game)

Stablemaster Overhaul

  • Claiming Followers from a Stablemaster will no longer have a gold cost
  • Retrieving Lost Followers from a Stablemaster will no longer have a gold cost (Recovering abandoned pets from an Animal Wrangler will still have a Gold Cost, however)
  • Players will no longer be able to Dismiss a creature from the Stablemaster menu (they will need to Claim it and then dismiss it by hand)

Stablemaster Menu

  • The Stablemaster menu has been redesigned to offer a large number of new Filtering options and the ability for players to now Sell Creatures


  • Players can apply Filters at the top of the menu to adjust which creatures they have stabled will currently be displayed

Creatures For Sale

  • Players now have the ability to place creatures in their Stables up For Sale to other players
  • To place a creature up for sale, players will need to set a Sale Price for the creature, which they can do by clicking the “Set” button on its listing


  • Clicking the “Set” button on the Stables Menu will launch a Pricing Window where the player can establish a purchase price for the creature
  • Clicking the “Set” button inside the Pricing Window will place the creature for sale at the price the player enters into the Sale Price text field


  • Once a creature is placed for sale, it will have its priced listed in its entry in Green text


  • Players can adjust their Sale Price for their creature, or remove it from sale entirely, by clicking the “Change” button next to its listing, which will relaunch the Pricing Window for the creature
  • In the Pricing Window, players can cancel sale of the creature by clicking the “Cancel Sale” button
  • Additionally, setting the price of a the creature to 0 Gold will remove it from sale as well


  • Creatures that have been marked For Sale will now become available for other players to purchase through the Creatures Bazaar system
  • However, any creature that has been sale for 14 days and not sold will automatically be reverted to Not For Sale status

Creatures Bazaar and Creature Broker NPC

  • Tamed Creatures that players have placed For Sale can be purchased by players through the Creatures Bazaar system through Creature Broker NPCs
  • Creature Brokers can be found near Stablemasters in Towns
  • Players can launch the Creatures Bazaar menu from these NPCs by saying “Buy”“Creature”, “Broker”, or “Bazaar” near them
  • Players can also shift-click the NPC and click the “Buy” context-menu entry to launch the Creatures Bazaar Menu

Overview Page

  • The initial page of the Creatures Bazaar menu is the Overview page, where players can see an overview of how many Sales Listings are available for each Creature Type
  • The number next to the Small Orb button for an entry indicates how many creatures are currently for sale of that Creature Type


  • Players can use the Filter mechanics at the top of the page to narrow the results of which Creature Types will be displayed


  • Players can click the Small Orb button under the “View Listings” column to view the Sale Listings available for that Creature Type

Sale Listings Page

  • The Sale Listings page for a Creature Type shows all creatures of that type that players currently have marked For Sale
  • The top of the page shows basic information about the creature type (such as its Min Taming Skill / Control Slots / Class)
  • The middle of the page allows players to Filter results more thoroughly
  • The bottom of the page shows all of the individual creatures for sale, with their PriceLevelRandomized Starting Stats, and even Hue and Body values listed (important for Mount Breeding)


  • Players can click the View Button next to a creature to launch the Animal Lore page for that particular creature


  • Players can use the Filter options in the middle of the page to narrow which creatures are displayed
  • Any Filters that are active will have their labels marked in Green text


  • Players can use the Arrow/Small Orb buttons under Stat Labels to sort all creatures by that Stat type (such as sorting “Damage” from high-to-low)

Purchasing Creatures

  • Players can click the “Buy” Small Orb button next to a creature to launch a Purchasing Menu for that creature
  • In the Purchasing Menu, players can review the details of the creature they wish to purchase


  • Players can proceed purchase the creature by clicking the Purchase button twice
  • Note: if the Price of the creature changes at any point after the player has the Purchasing Menu open, the player will not be able to purchase the creature (to prevent players from trying to quickly change the price to “scam” other players)


  • If the player proceeds with the purchase, the gold cost will be transfered from the Buyer’s Bankbox to the Seller’s Bank Box, and the creature will be moved directly from the Seller’s Stables to the Buyer’s Stables
  • If the player does not have enough available Stable Slots, however, the purchase will be prevented


  • Each time a player uses the Stables menu, if any of their creatures have been sold since the previous time they used the Stables menu, they will receive a system message and sound notification telling them how many creatures were sold and for how much total gold