PATCH: October 7 – Bug Fixes

Treasure Maps

  • Players will no longer be able to Recall, Use Moongates, Perform Hiking, or use the Teleport spell while in the middle of digging up a Treasure Map Chest
  • Players will no longer be able to make progress on Treasure Map Chests (both Lockpicking or Remove Trap) until the creatures have spawned and been killed

Stygian Rifts

  • Fixed an issue where Guild stats displaying for Stygian Rifts wasn’t properly displaying in the Battle Records page
  • Fixed an issue where Seasonal/Lifetime Total Points and Wins/Ties/Losses for players in Stygian Rifts wasn’t properly displaying in the Battle Records page
  • Fixed a display issue for the “Dungeons” menu that would incorrectly say how many Team Slots were available left

Interior Decorator

  • Hitting the Escape key will no longer close the Interior Decorator menu if the player has a cursor active (it will only cancel the cursor)

Fishing Frenzies

  • Fixed an issue with Fishing Frenzies that would result in them leaving behind “static” graphics when completed (some older ones will still do this, but new ones going forward should be fixed)

Aquarium Creatures

  • Fixed an issue that was spawning certain Aquarium Fish and having them displaying as the wrong type/graphics (Hawkfish / Cardinal Fish / Juvenile Cuttlefish)

Mastery Chain Links

  • Fixed an issue where players could potentially have the Mastery Chain Link menu open and be unable to close it

Summoned Creatures

  • Fixed an issue where players sometimes end up with 2/5 being of their Follower Slots being used after having all Summoned creatures deleted/dispelled

Dungeon Flashpoints

  • Fixed an issue where players with a Murderer Aggression restriction wasn’t able to heal teammates in Dungeon Flashpoints and Stygian Rifts