PATCH: Rebalancing, Summoner Revamp, Guild Favors and more!

Sanctuary Dungeons / New Player Areas
The Urukton Bluff and Ratman Hovel regions will now be permanently treated as Sanctuary Dungeons and will act as stepping stones for players who have “graduated” from the New Player Dungeon

As a reminder, Sanctuary Dungeons have the following mechanics in place:

  • Players cannot commit Criminal Actions inside of Sanctuary Dungeons
  • Murderers cannot enter Sanctuary Dungeons
  • The Gold Value (which determines Loot and Experience) of creatures inside of Sanctuary Dungeons are reduced to 50% of normal
  • Players cannot Mine inside of Sanctuary Dungeons and Skinning yields are reduced by 50% of normal
  • Players cannot Reveal other players inside of Sanctuary Dungeons
  • As with all areas, AFK farming is not allowed

Urukton Bluffs region


Ratman Hovel region


New Player Category
Atlases will now have a “New Player” category with destinations intended for new players, including:

  • New Player Dungeon
  • Ratman Hovel
  • Shelter Island
  • Urukton Bluffs

Unlocking Location and Skill Requirements

  • All Locations in Atlases are now automatically unlocked and available to players (no longer require unlocking them by securing a campfire)
  • All Locations in Atlases now only require 60 Camping skill in order to Hike to them (including Custom / Personal locations)

Weekly Sanctuary Dungeon

  • The rotating Weekly Sanctuary Dungeon will be indicated in the Dungeons category with yellow text and a “(Sanctuary)” indication next to its name

Explorer Achievements

  • The previous Explorer Achievements attributed to unlocking Atlas locations have been discontinued (and will not count towards Achievement rankings)


PvP Mechanics Menu

  • Updated the wording on the PvP Mechanics pop-up menu, as the previous menu was causing confusion among a number of players


  • Aspects that have no effect changes while PvP Flagged will now have a “No Changes For This Aspect” message listed for clarity

Arcane Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Increase to Arcane Buildup Bonuses of (25% + (7.5% * Tier Level))
  • HP Recovered Per Mana Cost of Damaging Spell of (10% + (3% * Tier Level))
  • Chance to Ignore Arcane Buildup Decay of (12% + (4% * Tier Level))

Eldritch Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Spell Dmg Bonus Per 20 Mana for 30s (Max 8x) of (3% + (1% * Tier Level)))
  • Mana Refund Max Cap Increase of (1.5% + (0.5% * Tier Level)))
  • Effective Spirit Speak and Inscription Skill Bonus of (6 + (2 * Tier Level))

Spell Dmg Bonus Per 20 Mana for 30s (Max 8x)

  • Each damaging Spell cast provides a cumulative bonus to Spell Damage of ((3% + (1% * Tier Level)) * (Mana Cost / 20)) that lasts 30 seconds
  • Players can stack this effect up to 8x the base bonus amount (i.e how much bonus they get for spending 20 mana can stack 8 times)

A player has Eldritch Armor Tier 15 and can reach a max cumulative bonus of ((3% + (1% * 15))) * 8 = 144% Max Spell Damage bonus from this effect

For each Energy Bolt (20 mana) cast they would receive a (3% + (1% * 15)) * (20 / 20) = +18% Damage bonus towards their 144% max
For each Flamestrike (40 mana) cast they would receive a (3% + (1% * 15)) * (40 / 20) = +36% Damage bonus towards their 144% max

Artisan Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Crafting Skill Worn Equipment Bonus of (40% + (13% * Tier Level))
  • Exceptional Crafting Chance Bonus of (5% + (1.5% * Tier Level))
  • No longer provides bonuses for using Repair Kits on players

Death Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Effective Necromancy Skill Bonus of (9 + (3 * Tier Level))
  • Chance For Bonus Unholy Symbol on Tick of (20% + (4% * Tier Level))
  • Chance to Inflict Irresistable Disease on Melee/Spell of (6% + (2% * Tier Level))

Discipline Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Weapon Special/Ability/Finisher Damage Bonus of (15% + (5% * Tier Level))
  • Melee Damage + Resistance Bonus After Using Mana of (6% + (2% * Tier Level))
  • Finisher Threshold Increase of (2.5% + (0.75% * Tier Level))

Weapon Special/Ability/Finisher Damage Bonus

  • Any Melee Hit that includes Weapon Special, Weapon Ability, or resolves a Weapon Finisher will receive this Damage bonus (but will not stack)

Finisher Threshold Increase

  • Increases the Health % Threshold at which players are eligible to trigger Weapon Finishers (normally 25% or below) and Shield Finishers (normally 33% or below)

A player with Discipline Aspect Armor Tier 15 would increase Finisher Thresholds by (2.5% * (0.75% * 15)) = 13.75%

They can trigger Weapon Finishers at 25% + 13.75% = 38.75% Hit Points or below
They can trigger Shield Finishers at 33% + 13.75% = 46.75% Hit Points or below

Fire Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Damage Dealt Causes Flamestrike (Chance Per Damage) of (0.15% + (0.045% * Tier Level))
  • Damage Taken Reflection of (50% + (15% * Tier Level))
  • Chance to Reduce Bleed/Disease Tick Damage to 1 of (9% + (3% * Tier Level))

Damage Dealt Causes Flamestrike

  • Triggered Flamestrikes will now inflict 50-75 Damage

Chance to Reduce Bleed/Disease Damage to 1

  • Provides a chance for any Bleed or Disease tick resolved to be reduced to 1 Damage
  • If triggered, the Damage Taken Reflection from Fire Aspect will resolve using the initial Damage of the tick before damage was reduced to 1

Holy Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Effective Chivalry Skill Bonus of (9 + (3 * Tier Level))
  • Chance For Bonus Holy Symbol on Tick of (20% + (4% * Tier Level))
  • Shield Chance on Melee/Spell (scaled by spd/mana) of (9% + (3% * Tier Level))

Lightning Aspect Armor
Now has the following effects:

  • Melee/Spell Arc Chance (scaled by spd/mana) of (9% + (3% * Tier Level))
  • Chance on Arc to Shock of (9% * (3% * Tier Level))
  • Volt Shield Cooldown of (30 – (Tier Level)) seconds

Chill Effects
Effects now have the following handling:

  • Chill effect applied on a target provides bonuses that the source of the effect will receive against the target
  • Chill effects from players and their followers are combined together against a target (i.e. will stack and each can use it)
  • Chill effects provide a Damage Bonus equal to the Chill Effect amount against a target
  • Chill effects provide a Damage Resistance Bonus equal to half of the Chill effect amount against the target

A player and their followers have a 20% Chill effect applied to a target

The player and their followers will receive +20% Damage against the target
The player and their followers will receive +10% Damage Resistance against the target

Overpower Bonuses


  • When making Melee Attacks against creatures, if the player has higher than a 100% chance to hit, any excess chance to hit will be converted into a Damage bonus against the creature on a 1% to 0.5% ratio (Max of +25% bonus)
  • However, if the player is making a Stealth Backstab or wearing Shadow Aspect Armor, the conversion ratio becomes 1% to 0.25% (Max of +25% Bonus)

A player has a 120% chance to hit a creature

The player will receive a (20% * 0.5) = +10% Damage bonus against the creature

Charged Spell Chance

  • When casting Spells against creatures, if the player has higher than a 100% chance to trigger a Charged Spell, any excess chance will be converted into a Damage bonus against the creature on a 1% to 0.5% ratio (Max of +25% bonus)
  • Note: There are not currently enough bonuses available for players to reach 100% Charged Spell chance, however this mechanic is being added to address any potential future issues if this ever changes

A player has a 120% Charged Spell chance when casting on a creature

The player will receive a (20% * 0.5) = +10% Damage bonus against the creature

Swing Speed

  • When making Melee Attacks against creatures, if a player’s Swing Speed exceeds their Swing Speed Cap, any excess bonuses to Swing Speed will be converted into a Damage Bonus against the creature on a 1% to 1% ratio

A player has 75% Swing Speed bonuses for their character but a Swing Speed Cap of 60%

The player will receive a (75% – 60%) = +15% Damage bonus against the creature

Mana Refund

  • When casting Damaging Spells against creatures, if a player’s Mana Refund Chance exceeds their Mana Refund Chance Cap, any excess bonuses to Mana Refund will be converted into a Spell Damage Bonus against creatures on a 1% to 1% ratio

A player has a 70% Mana Refund chance for their character but a Mana Refund Cap of 60%

The player will receive a (70% – 60%) = 10% Spell Damage Bonus against the creature

Arcane Runes

  • The bonuses that players receive nearby Arcane Runes are now increased by their own (25% * (Effective Arcane Skill / 100))
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Arcane Rune bonuses to continue to apply to players who left the 12 tile radius of an Arcane rune

Arcane Skill

  • Players will no longer receive the benefits from Arcane Codex Stances or trigger any Arcane Codex Finishers if they have any Followers or have used a Barding Skill in the last 60 seconds
  • Players will not be able to trigger Weapon Abilities for Arcane Staves if they have any Followers or have used a Barding Skill in the last 60 seconds

Arcane Codex

  • Leech Stance now has the following description: “Has a 3% chance per rank on hit to restore 10 Mana”

Focus Skill
Bonuses from the Focus skill have been updated as follows:

  • Player’s Accuracy is increased by (15% * (Focus Skill / 100))
  • Player’s Charged Spell Chance is increased by (15% * (Focus Skill / 100))
  • Player’s Swing Speed is increased by (15% * (Focus Skill / 100))
  • Player’s Mana Refund Chance is increased by (15% * (Focus Skill / 100))


  • The Anatomy skill will now also grant players a Swing Speed bonus against creatures of (5% * (Anatomy Skill / 100))

Arms Lore

  • The Arms Lore skill will now also grant players a Swing Speed bonus against creatures of (5% * (Effective Arms Lore / 100))

Resisting Spells
The Resisting Spells skill now provides the following benefits:

Spell Damage (No Changes)

  • Spell Damage taken is reduced by a minimum of (12.5% * (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Spell Damage taken is reduced by a maximum of (37.5% * (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Provides players with a (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100%)) chance to avoid Spell Interruption from Creature/Environment Damage

Spell Absorbing (No Changes)

  • Players have a (25% * (Magic Resist Skill / 100)) chance to Absorb a spell cast by a creature, which will reduce the spell’s Damage by 75% (similar to Parrying) and display a pink orb effect

Spell Siphon

  • The first time a player is hit by a Spell (from any player/creature) every 60 minutes, they will receive a Spell Siphon effect that applies bonuses against creatures for 60 minutes
  • Players with an active Spell Siphon effect have their Swing Speed increased by (10% * (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Players with an active Spell Siphon effect have their Mana Refund Chance increased by (10% * (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100))
  • Players with an active Spell Siphon effect gain Damage Resistance of (10% * (Effective Magic Resist Skill / 100))

Effect Indication

  • Players will see an visual indication and overhead text when the Spell Siphon effect is applied on a spellcast
  • Subsequent spells will have no further indication unless 60 minutes pass with the player not being hit by a spell


  • Players will see a Buff Icon while their Spell Siphon from the Resisting Spell skill is currently active


Poison Kit

Targeted Venom

  • Now has the following description: “Increases tick damage by (33% / 66% / 100%) if player has only one poison effect active, with bonus amount halved when resolving multiple ticks simultaneously”


  • Now has the following description: “Gain (5% / 10% / 15%) damage resistance towards poisoned creature (greater poison and above)”


Fencing Codex

Flurry Finisher

  • Now has the following description: “Increases Weapon Speed by 15% for 20 seconds (does not stack)”


Weapon Special
The Swordsmanship Weapon Special now has the following mechanics:

  • Will cause target to suffer a total amount of Bleed damage equal to (150% of Damage From Hit)
  • Will apply a stackable 8% Lacerate Effect to target (bonus to Weapon Special Chance) that lasts 8-16 seconds (scaled by weapon speed) with a max effect of 24%


Two-Handed Weapon Bonus

  • Wrestling Weapons will now take advantage of the +20% Melee Damage bonus towards creatures that is applied to Two-Handed Weapons (since players cannot equip shields while using Wrestling Weapons)

Weapon Special
The Wrestling Weapon Special now has the following mechanics:

  • Damage is increased by 150%
  • Applies a Stagger effect of 15% on the target for 8-16 seconds (scaled by weapon speed) which can stack up to 45%
  • Stagger effects increase the Damage dealt by any hit that includes a Weapon Special, Weapon Ability, or Weapon Finisher

Item Identification

  • Vastly increased the rate of skill gain for the Item Identification skill


  • When casting spells with Magical or Crafted Spellbooks, players now have a (75% * (Effective Inscription Skill / 100)) chance to ignore durability losses to the Spellbook (to a maximum chance of 99.9%) similar to Arms Lore handling for weapons

Ocean Weapons (Harpoons and Tridents)

Using on Land
Players can now use Ocean Weapons such as Harpoons and Tridents while on land, but with the following mechanical adjustments:

  • When attacking Creatures and Players, Ocean Weapons will adopt the Swing Speed and Range of Heavy Crossbows, and have Damage similar to Heavy Crossbows (slightly lower)
  • Ocean Weapons will continue to use their normal Ocean Weapon-based Weapon Specials, Codex Stances, Codex Finishers, and Weapon Abilities as unless indicated otherwise
  • Any bonuses, abilities, or effects from Ocean Weapons that are related to either being on a Ship or affecting Crewmembers will not resolve on land (i.e it will be up to players to adjust their Stances/Finishers/Abilities to use ones that will resolve as normal on land)

Fishing Codex
Some Fishing Codex upgrades will now have adjusted handling whether the player is on a ship or on land, and can be differentiated by [At Sea] and [On Land] in the stance description


  • Now has the following description: “Accuracy increased by 4% per rank”

Heave Stance

  • Now has the following description: “[At Sea] Range increased by 1 per rank and Damage increased by 10% per rank, but 2% chance per rank any Hits will convert into Misses. [On Land] Increases Range by (rank / 2) rounded up and Damage by 3% per rank”

[Stats Pages

  • While on land the [Stats page for players will show Land-based stats for equipped Harpoon/Tridents


  • While at sea the [Stats page for players will show Ocean-based stats for equipped Harpoon/Tridents


  • When determining the Slayer type for Magical Harpoons and Tridents, there is a a 75% chance to be Ocean Slayer, and a 25% chance to resolve as a randomized Slayer type

Mastery Chain Links

  • The bonuses from Damage to Diseased Creatures Links will now mirror those of Damage to Poisoned Creatures
  • Players now have access to Damage to Bleeding Creatures Links which affect creatures with a Bleed effect currently in place

Damage to Diseased Creatures
Silver: 2.1875%
Gold: 2.625%
Corrupted: 2.84375%

Damage to Bleeding Creatures
Silver: 2.1875%
Gold: 2.625%
Corrupted: 2.84375%


  • Reduced the amount of Damage that Tamed Followers and Summoned Followers take from other creatures by a significant amount

Zoology Guild

  • Zoology Guild Damage bonuses will now scale up to 30%
  • Zoology Guild Damage Resistance bonuses will now scale up to 15%


Minimum Success Chances

  • The Minimum Success Chance for any Barding activity is now (33% * (Effective Barding Skill / 100))

Break Barrier

  • Players will now have a Break Barrier applied against any creatures currently experiencing a Barding Break, so long as the player has barded the target at least once in the last 60 seconds
  • Break Barriers grant a Damage Bonus of (20% * (Highest Printed Barding Skill)) towards the creature
  • Break Barriers grant a Damage Resistance Bonus of (20% * (Highest Printed Barding Skill)) towards the creature
  • Break Barrier bonuses against Bosses are reduced to 50% of normal


  • Provoked Creatures now have a 200% bonus to damage dealt to other creatures

Bard Codex
Descriptions for Bard Codex Upgrades have been changed as follows:


  • Gain Damage Bonus of (10% / 20% / 30%) towards creatures that you have Discorded and have also either Pacified or Provoked


  • Bonuses received from Break Barriers are increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) of normal

Revolution Song

  • Your Provoked creatures inflict (50% / 100% / 150%) more Damage


  • For the next 10 seconds after a successful barding action the player gains a Damage Bonus of ((15% / 30% / 45%) * (Lowest Skill / 100)) and Damage Resistance Bonus of ((8% / 16% / 24%) * (Lowest Skill / 100)) where Lowest Skill is their lowest printed value amongst DiscordancePeacemaking, and Provocation (will not stack)

Wizard’s Grimoire
Descriptions for Wizard’s Grimoire Upgades have been changed as follows:

Mind Blast

  • Damage increased by (6% / 12% / 18%) and has a (2% / 4% / 6%) chance to Hinder target for 3 seconds, with chance increased by 200% if target has 75 Effective Armor or more

Energy Bolt

  • Damage increased by (7% / 14% / 21%) with bonus increased by 100% if target has no effective Magic Resist


  • After explosion damage resolved, the caster’s next non-Explosion, direct damage spell that resolves on target within 2 seconds will have its Damage increased by (15% / 30% / 45%)


  • The Summoner template will now have 3 Control Slots available to use


Summoning Spells

  • Summoning Spells now by default take 5 seconds to cast
  • Players can no longer be interrupted while casting Summoning Spells due to taking Damage from Creatures/Environmental sources
  • Players can no longer receive Mana Refunds from casting any Summoning Spells
  • Players can still draw from mana-providing sources such as Eldritch Mana Wells or Necromancy Wither to pay the mana cost of summons
  • Dispelling a creature by default will not restore any Mana

Creature Stats and Skills
Summoned Followers receive a bonus to their Stats and Skills as follows:

  • Hit Points increase of (150% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))
  • Attack Speed increase of (25% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))
  • Damage increase of (50% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))
  • Wrestling increase of (50% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))
  • Armor increase of (25 * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))
  • Magic Resist increase of (50 * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100))

Baseline Stats and Skills for followers have been adjusted as follows:


Creature Ability Changes

Energy Vortex / Jackal Spirit

  • Discharge (Innate Ability): Melee attacks have a 10% chance to restore 5% Health and to inflict an additional (DamageMax * 2.0) damage which ignores armor

Daemon / Vampire Thrall

  • Fury (Innate Ability): Damage Dealt increased by 5% for every 30 seconds alive (max +30%)

Air Elemental / Skeletal Fiend

  • Cleave (Innate Ability): Successful melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.6) damage to a random target within 2 tiles

Earth Elemental / Ancient Mummy

  • Rooted (Innate Ability): Creature is immune to Knockback effects and has increased Aggro

Summoner’s Tome

  • The Summoner’s Tome has been rebalanced to match handling for our other Tomes and Codex (20 Max Points and Tiered Upgrades)
  • Players can now unlock up to 20 Upgrade Points for each Spell Type to spend on Tier Levels of Upgrades
  • Player’s existing Upgrade Progress and Points unlocked will be scaled to match the new structure (i.e. players with 30 points unlocked will now be at 20 points, or players with 15 will be scaled to 10, and so on)


  • Each Summon type now has 8 Upgrades that players can spend Upgrade Points to raise to three different Tier Levels
  • Upgrading to Tier 1 will cost a cumulative 1 Upgrade Point
  • Upgrading to Tier 2 will cost a cumulative 3 Upgrade Points
  • Upgrading to Tier 3 will cost a cumulative 6 Upgrade Points
  • Players can use the Reset Points button to reset their Points Spent for that spell type so long as they dont have any followers from that spell currently summoned


  • Players can click the Info button to see a description of the Upgrade
  • The bonuses provided by each Tier Level for the upgrade are displayed in a (X% / Y% / Z%) format in the info description


  • The Summoning Achievement will now trigger when players unlock 20 Upgrade Points for a single spell

Creature Upgrades

Air Elemental + Skeletal Fiend

Melee attacks have a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance for Cleave to increase radius by 1 and hit 1 additional target

Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Damage Dealt increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Melee misses increase Accuracy by a cumulative (3% / 6% / 9%) for 30 seconds (to a max of +15% / +30% / +45%)

Attack speed increased by (8% / 16% / 24%) for 10 seconds after inflicting damage with Cleave (will not stack)

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Melee attacks and Cleave have a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to ignore target’s armor. Damage Dealt increased by (8% / 16% / 24%) if target has no armor

Increases Cleave damage by (13% / 26% / 40%)

Melee attacks have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over 15 seconds

Blade Spirits + Skeletal Husk

Melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * (13% / 26% / 40%)) damage to a random target within 2 tiles

Dancing Blades
Melee hits increase Attack Speed by a cumulative (1.5% / 3% / 4.5 %) for 30 seconds (to a max of +9% / +18% / +27%). All bonuses reduced to 0% on miss

Player receives (4 / 8 / 12) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Melee attacks have a (6% / 12% / 18%) chance to Entangle target for 6 seconds or inflict (DamageMax * (7% / 14% / 21%)) if target is already Entangled or Hindered

Precision Cuts
Accuracy increased by (5% / 10% / 15%). If chance to hit was already 100%, Melee Damage increased by (7% / 14% / 21%)

Melee attacks have a (9% / 18% / 27%) chance to inflict (DamageMax * 1.0) Bleed damage over 15 seconds

Damage Dealt increased by (7% / 14% / 21%). Bonus increased by 50% if target has a Bleed effect active

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Daemon + Vampire Thrall

Attack Speed and Damage Resistance increased by (1% / 2% / 3%) for every 30 seconds alive (max of 6% / 12% / 18%)

Damage Dealt increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Bonus increased by 200% if within 2 tiles of target

Spellcasts have a (4% / 8% / 12%) chance to restore 1% Health. Chance increased by 200% of normal if within 2 tiles of target

Damage Dealt increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Bonus increased by 200% if target below 50% Health

Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Growing Fury
Fury ability max damage bonus increased to (40% / 50% / 60%)

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Damage Dealt increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Bonus increased by 200% if damaged within last 5 seconds by another creature

Earth Elemental + Ancient Mummy

Damage Dealt increased by (5% / 10% / 15%) and Damage Resistance increased by (3% / 6% / 9%). Bonuses increased by 200% when below 33% Health

Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

For each different creature damaging this follower in the last 10 seconds, increase Damage Dealt by (3% / 6% / 9%) and Damage Resistance by (2% / 4% / 6%) (max 5 creatures)

Restores (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when above 66% Health (30 second cooldown)

Purge Impurities
Special Resistance increased by (11% / 22% / 33%) and restore (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when below 66% Health (30 second cooldown)

Melee attacks have a (8% / 16% / 24%) chance to apply a Pierce effect of 25 for 15 seconds on target or inflict (DamageMax * (7% / 14% / 21%)) if target has no Armor

Melee attacks have a (8% / 16% / 24%) chance to apply a Cripple effect of 10% for 15 seconds on target

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Energy Vortex + Jackal Spirit

Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Gathering Storm
For each different creature damaging this follower in the last 10 seconds, increase Damage Dealt by (3% / 6% / 9%) and Attack Speed by (2% / 4% / 6%) (max 5 creatures)

Damage Dealt increased by (5% / 10% / 15%). Bonus increased by 100% if caster controls two followers of this type within 12 tiles of each other

Accuracy increased by (7% / 14% / 21%) and melee attacks ignore (25% / 50% / 75%) of target’s armor

Discharge chance increased to (20% / 25% / 30%) but aggro increased by (50% / 100% / 150%)

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Healing and damage of Discharge ability increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) of normal

Damage Dealt increased by increased by (10% / 20% / 30%) and Damage Resistance increased by (5% / 10% / 15%) for 10 seconds after Discharge ability triggered (will not stack)

Fire Elemental + Lich

Burning at Both Ends
Spell Damage increased by (11% / 22% / 33%). Follower loses (1% / 2% / 3%) of Health every 15 seconds while above 10% Health

Player receives (10 / 20 / 30) Mana when follower is dispelled or killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Fanning The Flames
Epic Barrage damage increased by (15% / 30% / 45%) and cooldown reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Glass Cannon
Spell Damage increased by (11% / 22% / 33%). Spells have a (1% / 2% / 3%) chance to increase aggro massively for 10 seconds

Scorched Earth
Spellcasts apply a Hex effect of (3 / 6 / 9) on target for 15 seconds

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Unstable Sorcery
Spell Damage increased by (11% / 22% / 33%). Spells have a (1% / 2% / 3%) chance to increase Epic Barrage cooldown by 30 seconds

Spellcasts have a (11% / 22% / 33%) chance to inflict (SpellDamageMax * 1.0) damage that ignores armor to a random target within 2 tiles

Summon Creature + Raise Dead

Bond For Life
Caster receives (5 / 10 / 15) Health and (3 / 6 / 9) Mana when follower is killed (must be within 12 tiles)

Creature Catalog 1
Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)

Creature Catalog 2
Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)

Creature Catalog 3
Provides a (33% / 66% / 100%) chance to upgrade Creature Pool by 1 Tier Level (will stack)

Player receives ((30% / 60% / 90%) * Follower Health % Remaining) of Mana Cost of follower when dispelled

Herd Mentality
Damage Resistance increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Damage Dealt increased by (6% / 12% / 18%). Bonus increased by 100% if 4 or more followers controlled

Water Elemental + Rag Witch

Deep Water
Restores (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when above 66% Health (30 second cooldown)

Player receives ((30% / 60% / 90%) * Follower Health % Remaining) of Mana Cost of follower when dispelled

Spellcasts have a (5% / 10% / 15%) chance to inflict (DamageMax * 0.5) Disease damage every 5 seconds for 20 seconds

Special Resistance increased by (11% / 22% / 33%) and restore (2% / 4% / 6%) of Hit Points when below 66% Health (30 second cooldown)

Reflecting Pool
Mirror ability chance increased to (25% / 35% / 45%)

Spell Siren
For each different creature damaging this follower in the last 10 seconds, increase Damage Dealt by (3% / 6% / 9%) and Damage Resistance by (2% / 4% / 6%) (max 5 creatures)

Spirit Pact
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%). Damage Resistance increased by (2% / 4% / 6%). Casting Time of spell reduced by (1 / 2 / 3) seconds

Spellcasts have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to inflict Greater Poison and reduce target’s Poison Resistance by 20% for 15 seconds (stackable)

Creature Pools

  • When casting the Summon Creature spell, players will summon a random follower from a specific Creature Pool of possible creature types
  • By default players will summon from Creature Pool 1
  • Players can potentially draw creatures from higher Creature Pools if they have spent Summoner’s Tome upgrade points into the Creature Catalog upgrades

Creature Pools for the Summon Creature spell are as follows:

  • Creature Pool 1: All existing non-Mount Tameable creatures that are 1 Control Slot and have Min Taming between 45-55
  • Creature Pool 2: All existing non-Mount Tameable creatures that are 1 Control Slot and have Min Taming between 60-70
  • Creature Pool 3: All existing non-Mount Tameable creatures that are 1 Control Slot and have Min Taming between 75-85
  • Creature Pool 4: All existing non-Mount Tameable creatures that are 1 Control Slot and have Min Taming between 90-100

Creature Pools for the Summon Creature (Raise Dead) spell are as follows:

  • Creature Pool 1: Skeleton or Zombie
  • Creature Pool 2: Skeletal Knight or Ghoul
  • Creature Pool 3: Ghost or Skeletal Mage
  • Creature Pool 4: Skeletal Marksman or Rotting Flesh

Player Customizations

  • Players can now type [Enhancements or [Enhancement to jump directly to the Enhancements page of the Customization Menu
  • Players can now type [Emotes or [Emote to jump directly to the Emotes page of the Customization Menu
  • Players can now type [SpellHues or [SpellHue to jump directly to the Spell Hues page of the Customization Menu

Spell Hues

Hue Matching

  • Players now can use the Set All button on a Spell Hue entry to set that hue as the active Spell Hue for all other spells (that have that hue unlocked)


  • If used, players will receive a system message informing them how many spells were set to match the selected hue

Hue Randomization

  • Players now have the option to Randomize their Spell Hues for individual spells
  • If a player has more than 1 Spell Hue unlocked for an individual spell, they can click the Dice Checkbox button next to the spell entry to enable or disable Randomization for it


  • If enabled, when a player casts that spell it will randomly select an unlocked Spell Hue from the unlocked hues available for that spell

Weekly Server Bonus and Guild Favor Icons

  • We have updated the Icons that are used to represent different bonus types for Weekly Server Bonuses and Guild Favors as follows:

Guild Favors

  • The Overview section of the Guild Menu has been updated for improved management of Guild Favors


  • To view a guild’s Stored Guild Favors, players should click the Manage Favors button


  • Players can now filter Guild Favors by Location Name or Bonus type
  • Players can also sort Guild Favors alphabetically by Location Name or Bonus type

Activating Guild Favors

  • Clicking the Activate button next to a Guild Favor will attempt to immediately activate it (if possible)

Guild Favor Queueing

  • Guilds are now able to create a Queue of Guild Favors that will automatically resolve in order, when the guild has less than 3 Guild Favors active
  • Players can click the Up arrow button to send a Guild Favor to the top of the Queue
  • Players can click the Down arrow button to send a Guild Favor to the bottom of the Queue


  • Queued Favors are displayed on the main Overview page under the Queued Favors section
  • Highest priority Guild Favors are at the top of the list with lowest priority at the end of the list


  • If more than 3 Guild Favors are queued, a horizontal bar will display seperating queued favors into groups of 3
  • Players can have multiple pages of queued Guild Favors and can navigate between pages with the small arrow buttons in the bottom right corner of the menu

Editing Queues

  • Players can edit the order of queued Guild Favors, or remove them from the queue, by clicking the Edit Queue button
  • While in Edit Mode, queued favors will have up to 5 buttons available
  • The Plus button raises the priority of the favor up by 1
  • The Minus button lowers the priority of the favor down by 1
  • The Up button moves the favor to the top of the queue
  • The Down button moves the favor to the bottom of the queue
  • The Cancel button removes the favor from the queue and returns it to Stored Favors

Enable Queue

  • Guild Favors in the Queue will only activate if the guild has the “Enable Queue” checked
  • While Enable Queue is toggled, every 60 seconds the system will attempt to activate as many Guild Favors as are allowed for the guild, resolving from the top of the queue and working downwards in order
  • Normal restrictions for activating Guild Favors will apply to the automatic processing of the Queue
  • Favors that cannot be currently activated (due to Sanctuary Dungeon, duplicate bonus fo region, etc) will be skipped in the queue and the system will continue through the queue to look for the next available valid favor that can be activated

Guild Favor Credits

  • If a guild finds themselves with a large number of Guild Favors they do not wish to use, they can Convert (delete) these unwanted favors into Favor Credits towards receiving new Guild Favors


  • By clicking the Convert to Credit button next to a Guild Favor, the favor will be deleted and the guild will receive 1 Favor Credit


  • For every 3 Favor Credits earned, the guild will receive a new, randomized Guild Favor

Boss Results

  • The [BossResults menu has been updated to improve navigation and results filtering


  • Players can now apply Filters to reduce the number of results to navigate through
  • Players can apply filters to only show bosses that they themselves or other members of their guild participated in
  • Players can filter results to only show bosses that match a specific Name


  • Players can navigate through results one at a time with the inner arrow buttons or ten at a time with the outer arrow buttons


  • For Omni Bosses, players can navigate one link at a time with the inner arrow buttons, or five links at a time with the outer arrow buttons
  • Players who receive a Mastery Chain Link during an Omni Boss should now correctly display them in the player’s list
  • Players will only be able to see who received a Mastery Chain Link or Boss Token if they belong to the Summoning Guild or are Allied to that guild

Pit Trials


  • Players can now see the Guild of each player listed in the Rankings for Pit Trials

5 Player Instances

  • Damage Bonus per Wave is now 7.5%
  • Total Creature Difficulty increase per Wave is now 375


Shipping Crate Tiles

  • Players now have the option to unlock a “Custom Shipping Crate Tile” for their houses under the Special page of the House Menu
  • This feature allows players using the Shipping Crate mechanic of Dockmasters to specify a destination in their house to send the Shipping Crate to (instead of their house’s Ban Location)


  • If unlocked, players can Set a tile in their house to designate as the destination of Shipping Crates

Shipping Crates

  • If a player who owns a house uses the Dockmaster Shipping Crate mechanic, the Shipping Crate will now be sent to that location in their house instead of the Ban Location


  • Players will receive a system message telling them when a Shipping Crate is sent to a Shipping Crate Tile location and the coordinates of it



Trapped Pouch Commodities

  • Players can now purchase Trapped Pouch Commodities from Smuggler NPCs throughout the world (players cannot create them manually)
  • Each Trapped Pouch Commodity holds 100 Trapped Pouches


  • Unlike most commodities, when double-clicked Trapped Pouch Commodities can only be deposited into Storage Shelves and Storage Lockers (i.e players cannot place the contents of the commodity into normal containers or at their feet)


  • Players can add the contents of a Trapped Pouch Commodity into a Storage Shelf / Storage Locker either by dropping into on the shelf/locker, or by using its Restock mechanic


  • Players on the TEST SHARD can now use the golden Player Editor statue to generate all possible Spell Hue Collections (will be placed into a Backpack on the player)