PATCHES: April 19 & 22

Magic Item Recycler

  • The Magic Item Recycler now acts like a normal chest in that players can freely drop any item (such as Reagents, Bandages, etc) into them even if they are not normally recyclable or not yet Identified
  • Players can now open the Recycler container and access the items inside even while the container is not Locked Down or Secured; players will simply not be able to receive the Recycle menu until the container is Locked Down / Secured inside a house
  • The Magic Item Recycler now has two “Dump” modes represented by buttons at the top of the page
  • With “Dump Into Recycler” players can target a container (or themselves for their own backpack) and all recyclable items, regardless if they are Identified or what their specific properties are, will be added to the Magic Item Recycler
  • With “Dump Into Recycler (Only Matching Properties) players can target a container (or themselves for their own backpack) and only items that specifically match the properties the player has selected for recycling in the menu (i.e. “Vanquishing” + “Eminently Accurate” + etc) will be added to the container (magical items MUST be identified for this dump mode to work)
  • Fixed several issues related to handling for Lockdowns when moving items back and forth from a Locked Down (rather than Secured) recycler to non-Locked Down containers (such as a backpack or chest sitting on ground)
  • Fixed an issue where trying to Dump to a container nested inside another container would potentially give “That is too far away” or “That is out of line of sight” messages


Aspect Fix:

  • Fix an issue where tamed/summoned creatures would sometimes unintentionally gain the damage bonus for Blood Aspect and Lyric Aspects of their controller (these Aspects should only increase the player’s damage: Command aspect is intended to increase Follower Damage)


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Flamestrike PvP Fizzle mechanic to not work properly
  • Meteor Swarm and Chain Lightning now also utilize the Flamestrike PvP Fizzle Mechanic

Prevalia Exchange Officer:

  • Updated the Prevalia Exchange Officer menu and initial system message to indicate to players that all exchanges are performed entirely from the player’s bank box and refunded items will also be placed into the bank box


  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes gain Mastery Chain Experience, Society Progress, Achievement Progress, Guild Dungeon Progress, and ServerRank progress for sinking player ships (should only be NPC ships)
  • Ship spawners now scale their spawn frequency based on their Spawn Radius (large radius results in faster respawns)


  • Removed Forensic Eval Captcha for Strangelands
  • Manually created 1000+ rainfall spawn locations for Strangelands to ensure that Rainwater always spawns in accessible locations
  • Recoded Handling for Supply Crates in Strangelands, with the vast majority of Supply Crates now spawning inside buildings
  • Greatly expanded the locations the Strangelands Stranger NPCs and Strangelands Animals can potentially spawn now
  • Fixed AI handling for Strangeland NPC Bards to focus on Spellcasting (instead of sometimes melee) and for Monks to be more of a hybrid AI
  • Strangeland Monk Template now has 90 Str and 70 Dex (previously was 80 Str and 80 Dex)